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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021  83

            Renewable University (RU)

            To sustain capability building, we  promoted technology            occur during plant operations. On completing the assigned
            and process innovation to generate effective solutions for         task within the allotted time, conclusions and suggestions
            business challenges, by forming Special Task Forces (STF)          made by these teams are reviewed by the Renewables
            in  Renewables as a multi-purpose developmental                    leadership team. Depending on the merits of the
            intervention.                                                      recommendation, the suggestions are considered for
                                                                               further implementation. Various activities carried out by
            The STFs don’t just conduct an in-depth study on given             the RU in FY 2020-21 are depicted  in Figure 29.
            topics but also analyse the root cause of problems that

                                                 Figure 29: Activities carried out by RU in FY 2020–21

             Modes of learning               No. of sessions /     Training days for attendees    Remarks
                                             No. of groups         participating in various
                                                                   RU sessions

             Book Reviews                    36                    78.7                           Total days of participants efforts are
                                                                                                  78.7 days

                                                                                                  A total of 25+  books covered

             STF session                     14                    61.2                           Total of 14 STF sessions, covering 35
                                                                                                  participants per session, amounting
                                                                                                  to 61.2 days

             Experts presentation            4                     15                             Total of four sessions covering 30
                                                                                                  participants per session amounting
                                                                                                  to 15 days

             E-learning edX                  1                     15.8
             certification (100% Completion)

             Technical bite-sized            14                    27.4                           Total of 14 sessions covering 30
             learning sessions                                                                    participants per session amounting
                                                                                                  to 27.4 days

             Total                           69                    198.1
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88