Page 88 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
P. 88
88 Energy in action
Our fight against COVID-19
The organisation stepped forward and introduced a series - Under the ‘Employee Connect’ initiative, HR, Admin
of measures to ensure overall well-being of employees, their and CSR team members periodically interacted with
families and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. employees to check on the well-being of employees
and their families
Some of the initiatives undertaken include: Enhancement of - Virtual cultural events, contests and workshops were
our existing group medical policy cover to include conducted to encourage employees and their family
hospitalisation and home quarantine expenses for COVID-19 members to socialise with ease. During the lockdown,
treatment for employees and their dependents in order to remain connected and engage with
- Corporate COVID-19 vaccination drive was conducted at employees, we ran a virtual campaign, ‘One Apraava
Mumbai and Jhajjar locations for employees, their Energy: Together@Home.' Through this campaign,
dependents, extended families (including domestic help employees shared their lockdown stories of fitness,
and drivers) and contract staff cooking, learning new skills. Many festivals and days
of national importance were celebrated virtually with
- An employee well-being survey was conducted to employees and their families through this campaign.
understand what initiatives would help employees cope
with and manage stress and anxieties during the
pandemic. Accordingly, special initiatives were rolled
out. In one of the months, the company also announced We believe these initiatives helped our employees care
reduced working hours and a blackout period every day better for themselves and their families. During the
from 12 noon to 2 pm to help employees take a break pandemic, as an organisation, we communicated our
from work and focus on things that needed their intent to support our employees either by way of
attention at home. financial support or additional leaves.
- #WellnessBulletin –Apraava Energy’s health & wellness The second wave of the pandemic was a particularly
blog was launched
trying one for us as an organisation, but it also brought
- A 24x7 online medical consultation service was launched to the fore the best of the Apraava Energy spirit!
for employees and their family members to enable them
to avail consultations from the safety and comfort of The pandemic required us to be agile and adaptive.
their homes. Ironically, it was through the spread of the virus that we
- Bite-size virtual sessions on mindful meditation and were able to embrace changes in the way we worked
pranayam were conducted for all employees and and continue to do so.
contract staff
As we continue to respond to difficult times, discussions
- Wellness awareness sessions on various topics such as around health and the future of work are becoming
nutrition, anxiety, women’s health - cervical cancer, more central. The changes we have seen and will see,
financial planning and ‘open webinars’ on various topics will define a new normal in how we live and work. It is
such as building resilience, coping with anxiety and clear that all of us need to be change agents and the
panic, understanding stress and its impact, crisis good news is that this necessity is driving innovation.
management were conducted every month