Page 93 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021 93
Case Study: Field Severity Assessment
Field Severity Assessment is a management method for Observations recorded during FSA Process:
identifying high-risk process areas that require special attention
throughout the plant. A cross-functional team, chosen based on Number of Good citizen (A)
their competence, overlooks identified areas and evaluates Number of worker observed (B)
safety implementation for both at-risk behaviour and unsafe Weightage factor considered for good observations (C) - S
conditions. The team counts the number of dangerous working
conditions, safe working conditions, people at risk, people working Average severity of violations (D)
safely, and so on, and the score is determined according to the Weightage factor considered for violations (E) - S
formula detailed below. Improvement areas are identified based
on the Field Survey Index (FSI), and appropriate actions are taken
to improve safety standards and reduce risks.
Field Severity Index (for the area) = FSI (Good)+FSI (Violations) = (A*C/B) + (E-D)
= (No. of Good Citizen *Weightage factor for good observation) + (Weightage factor for violations - Average severity violation)
Number of worker observed
= 9 to 10 Excellent
= 8 to 9 Good
S = 6 to 8 Satisfactory
I = 4 to 6 Poor
Below 4 Very poor
Note: In case no person is abserved in the work area during the FSA process. FSI (Good) data will be taken as previous month data.
Confined space fitness testing facility
Working in a confined space is a high-risk activity. Various measures
have been taken to reduce the risk of entering confined spaces and
operating in them, while making the necessary rescue plans. One of
the most serious considerations of operating in confined spaces is the
worker's or employee's fitness to do so. JPL has created an in-house
Confined Space Fitness Testing Facility to determine whether a person
is fit to work in confined spaces. To perform the physical fitness test,
the applicant must first undergo medical examinations for blood
pressure and make a compulsory declaration regarding any previous
history of phobia to closed spaces.