Page 94 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
P. 94

94     Energy in action

            Health & Safety During Covid-19

            The COVID-19 pandemic has had a variety of effects on           During COVID-19, JPL has strengthened its ability to
            JPL units, though generation of power has been                  maintain supply security, increase system flexibility, and
            maintained throughout since power generation falls              better integrate its power hardware in order to be more
            under the critical services category. However, in the           successful in the face of possible threats to energy
            absence of industrial demand, thermal power plants are          security for ensuring significant, continuous and
            operating at low capacity, but the share of renewables on       consistent power supply.
            the grid has been growing, owing to their  ‘must run’

               Case Study: 2021 JPL Planned Outage

               Major outage was successfully completed for 45 days from     •   Hand washing and sanitisation facilities were established at
               February 15 to March 31, 2021, without any influence from        various locations in the plant
               COVID-19, despite an additional 2,200 people being brought in
               from  various regions around the country to execute the task.
                                                                            •   Additional temporary dining areas with drinking water
               Some of the key proactive measures implemented include:         facility were established at four locations to ensure safe
                                                                               distancing in light of COVID-19
               •   Quarantine of outage contract manpower for eight  days
                  before entry to the plant
                                                                            •   Additional toilet facilities established at Boiler ground floor
                                                                               and 17-meter elevation
               •   Mandatory COVID-19 RT-PCR negative test report before gate
                                                                            •   Additional rest room with toiler facility was established near
                                                                               Boiler 50-meter elevation to avoid frequent movement of
               •   COVID-19 RT-PCR testing facility was established near Gate 1
                                                                               crew from Boiler to ground floor while giving them space to
                                                                               relax and eat
               •   COVID-19 RT-PCR testing was done for ~ 2200 individual who
                  were part of the contract workforce before entry. Besides this,
                  during execution phase, RT-PCR testing of working crew was   The safe execution of the outage was HSSE management's top
                  conducted on random basis                                 responsibility, with a special emphasis on ensuring HSSE
                                                                            compliance during the planning and implementation of outage
                                                                            activities. In fact, about 588,708 hours were spent on this outage,
               •   Thermal screening of all workers was ensured prior to plant
                  entry                                                     which was concluded with ‘Zero L.T.I’  and no severe issues.
                                                                            This was Unit 1's first major overhaul since its commissioning in
               •   Use of mask was made mandatory for everyone              2012, and it included a thorough assessment of the HIP-LP
                                                                            turbines, as well as the boiler and various auxiliaries, and the
                                                                            FGD equipment. We were able to complete outage activities
               •   Awareness through public announcement system and display   within 41 days i.e., on March 27, 2021, which was ahead of
                  of signages
                                                                            schedule.  After dynamic balancing of turbine generator, outage
                                                                            was completed on March 31, 2021 within the schedule of 45 days,
               •   Regular sanitisation of office premises, site locations and   thanks to rigorous planning and preparation for over a year and
                  residential areas was carried out                         effective monitoring of execution.
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