Page 95 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
P. 95

Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021  95

            Prioritising Safety of Employees

            The health, well-being and development of employees            We believe that healthy and engaged employees and
            has been of utmost priority to Apraava Energy. We              contractors contribute to better HSSE performance. Therefore,
            have always stood strong in the face of adversity to           Apraava Energy 's health and wellness programmes are
            prove our ability, agility and adaptability for rendering      guided by several clearly specified rules on topics including
            services to our people during uncertain times.                 wellness, volunteering, and alcohol and drug usage.

                                                               Strong Work

                                                           A healthy work-life balance and
                                                         priority employee engagement is the
                                                           cornerstone to building strong
                                                          employee-employer relationships.

                                       Fostering a                                       Physical and
                                  culture of wellness                                Mental Well-being
                                                                                    Periodic health chech-ups, post
                                 Under 'Together@Home' contest
                                  employees were encouraged to                  check-up follow up and awareness about
                                  share their inspiring lockdown                  various lifestyle ailments is provided.
                                    stories on various themes                           Mindfulness and stress
                                   such as positivity, creativity,                    management sessions are
                                     kindness etc. and those                           held time to time to help
                                         were featured                                   employees manage
                                        on the intranet.                                    their mental
                                                               Encouraging                    wellness.
                                                              Healthy Habits

                                                            Organising special awareness
                                                           sessions to emphasise wellness
                                                            over curative approach, has
                                                          helped awareness and enhanced
                                                               lifestyle management.
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