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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021 97
Given the focus on how to enable HSSE performance with make a tremendous difference when it comes to
digital technology, a systems-based approach that seamlessly avoiding safety stagnation and help to sustain the
integrates across operations & maintenance functions with a continuous progress made and maintain a wide field of
clear focus on continuous improvement was adopted. We view to prevent organisational blindness.
developed a customised web-based mobile app, e-SAFE, to
ease the capture of safety observations at the workplace and
to monitor compliance. The new, adaptive BBS™ software includes a range of
innovative features:
At the outset of the National Safety Day event in 2021, a new, • Simplified observation process: The interface is so
adaptive BBS™ cloud-based application was launched with the user-friendly that observations can be logged in ten
support of our business partner, DEKRA, as part of JPL’s seconds while maintaining quality and context
digitisation initiative. Behaviour-based safety (BBS)
programmes contribute significantly to lowering risks and result • Emphasis on feedback: Convenient opportunities to
in better safety outcomes across industries. This will support respond to observers; easily view observation
the BBS team with conducting safety contact and spotlight statistics and intervene in a timely and targeted
issues that require barrier removal. manner
To sustain the effectiveness of the BBS programme, processes • Configuration: Personal dashboards, ad-hoc
and habits created and promoted through the programme reporting, data that delivers insights, configurable
need consistent attention and motivation. Apart from alerts and notifications, etc. are among the
continuous leadership engagement, supportive software can mentionable features
Health and safety of Apraava Energy employees across locations
is of optimal priority for us. We use a combination of preemptive
process flows, operational best practises and periodic reviews to
maintain highest safety standards and minimise risks. Apraava
Energy’s people power our energy in action and their well-being is
what drives us ahead in our mission.