Page 124 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
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124    Energy in action

            GRI Indicators      Disclosures                        Apraava       Page No.      Report Section
                                                                   SR 2020-21

                                103-1 Explanation of the material   √            24, 59 to 61,   Material Matters, Environment
                                topic and its boundaries                         66 to 70      Management, Waste and by-product
                                                                                               Recycling and Reuse
            GRI 103:
            Management          103-2 The management approach      √             59 to 61      Environment Management, Waste and

            Approach 2016       and its components                               66 to 70      by-product Recycling and Reuse

                                103-3 Evaluation of the            √             28, 35 to 37   Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management,
                                management approach                              66 to 70      Waste and by-product Recycling and Reuse

                                306-1 Water discharge by quality   √             66 to 70      Waste and by-product Recycling and Reuse
                                and destination

                                306-2 Waste by type and            √             66 to 70      Waste and by-product recycling and reuse
              GRI 306:          disposal method
            Waste 2020
                                306- 3 Significant spills           √             66 to 70      Waste and by-product Recycling and Reuse

                                306- 4 Transport of hazardous waste  √           66 to 70      Waste and by-product Recycling and Reuse

                                306- 5 Water bodies affected by    √             64 to 65      Water as a Resource
                                water discharges and/ or runoff

                                                             Environmental Compliance

                                103-1 Explanation of the material   √            71            Environmental Compliance
                                topic and its boundaries
              GRI 103:          103-2 The management approach      √             50 to 52, 71   Responsible Supply Chain Management,
              Management        and its components                                             Environmental Compliance
            Approach 2016
                                103-3 Evaluation of the            √             71            Environmental Compliance
                                management approach

              GRI 307:          307-1 Non-compliance with          √             71            Environmental Compliance
              Environmental     environmental laws and regulations
            Compliance 2016

              GRI 308: Supplier  308-1 New suppliers that were     √             50 to 52      Responsible Supply Chain Management
              Environmental     screened using environmental criteria
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