Page 122 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
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122    Energy in action

            GRI Indicators      Disclosures                        Apraava       Page No.      Report Section
                                                                   SR 2020-21

                                302-1 Energy consumption           √             43 to 49      How we leverage Operational Efficiency?
                                within the organisation

                                302-3 Energy intensity             √             40 to 56      Attaining Operational Excellence
            GRI 302:            302-4 Reduction of energy          √             40 to 56, 59   Excellence, Environment Management,

            Energy 2016         consumption                                      to 61, 43 to   How we leverage Operational Efficiency?

                                302- 5 Reductions in energy        √             40 to 56, 43   Attaining Operational Excellence,
                                requirements of products                         to 49         How we leverage Operational Efficiency?
                                and services

                                                                Water and Effluents

                                103-1 Explanation of the material   √            24 to 64, 65   Material Matters, Water as a Resource
                                topic and its boundaries
            GRI 103:
              Management        103-2 The management approach      √             64 to 65      Water as a Resource
              Approach 2016     and its components

                                103-3 Evaluation of the            √             28, 35 to 37,   Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management,
                                management approach                              64 to 65      Water as a Resource

                                303-1 Interactions with water      √             64 to 65      Water as a Resource
                                as a shared resource

                                303-2 Management of water          √             64 to 65      Water as a Resource
              GRI 303: Water    discharge-related impacts
            and Effluents 2018
                                303-3 Water Withdrawal             √             64 to 65      Water as a Resource
                                303-4 Water Discharge              √             64 to 65      Water as a Resource

                                303-5 Water Consumption            √             64 to 65      Water as a Resource


                                103-1 Explanation of the material   √            24 to 72, 73   Material Matters, Protecting Biodiversity
                                topic and its boundaries

              GRI 103:          103-2 The management approach      √             72 to 73      Protecting Biodiversity
              Management        and its components
            Approach 2016
                                103-3 Evaluation of the            √             28, 35 to 37,   Compliance, Enterprise Risk
                                management approach                              72 to 73      Management, Protecting Biodiversity
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