Page 120 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
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120    Energy in action

            GRI Indicators      Disclosures                        Apraava       Page No.      Report Section
                                                                   SR 2020-21
                                                                Economic (GRI 200)

                                                              Economic Performance

                                103-1 Explanation of the material   √            16 to 17      Economic Performance
                                topic and its boundaries
            GRI 103:
              Management        103-2 The management approach      √             16 to 17      Economic Performance
              Approach 2016     and its components

                                103-3 Evaluation of the            √             28, 35 to 37   Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management
                                management approach

                                201-1 Direct economic value        √             16 to 17      Economic Performance
              GRI 201:          generated and distributed
              Performance 2016  201-2 Financial implications and   √             16 to 17,     Economic Performance, Enterprise
                                other risks and opportunities due                35 to 37      Risk Management
                                to climate change

                                                             Indirect Economic Impact

                                103-1 Explanation of the material   √            24, 74 to 97,   Material Matters, Creating a Conscious
                                topic and its boundaries                         90 to 97, 98   Workplace Culture, Building a Culture
                                                                                 to 113        of Health and Safety, Engaging
                                                                                               Communities: Enabling Equitable Growth

            GRI 103:            103-2 The management approach      √             90 to 97, 98   Building a Culture of Health & Safety,

            Management          and its components                               to 113        Engaging Communities: Enabling

            Approach 2016                                                                      Equitable Growth

                                103-3 Evaluation of the            √             28, 35 to 37   Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management
                                management approach

                                203-1 Infrastructure investments   √             90 to 77, 98    Building a Culture of Health & Safety,
                                and services supported                           to 97         Engaging Communities: Engaging
            GRI 203:                                                                           Equitable Growth

            Indirect Economic
            Impacts 2016        203-2 Significant indirect          √             98 to 113, 90   Engaging Communities: Enabling Equitable

                                economic impacts                                 to 97         Growth, Building a Culture of Health
                                                                                               and Safety
   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125