Page 121 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
P. 121

Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021  121

            GRI Indicators      Disclosures                        Apraava       Page No.      Report Section
                                                                   SR 2020-21
                                                               Procurement Practices

                                103-1 Explanation of the material   √            50 to 52      Responsible Supply Chain Management
                                topic and its boundaries
            GRI 103:            103-2 The management approach      √             50 to 52      Responsible Supply Chain Management

            Management          and its components

            Approach 2016
                                103-3 Evaluation of the            √             50 to 52      Responsible Supply Chain Management
                                management approach

              GRI 204:          204-1 Proportion of spending       √             50 to 52      Responsible Supply Chain Management
              Procurement       on local suppliers
            Practices 2016

                                                              Environmental (GRI 300)


                                103-1 Explanation of the material   √            40 to 56,     Attaining Operational Excellence,
                                topic and its boundaries                         24            Material Matters
            GRI 103:
                                103-2 The management approach      √             40 to 56      Attaining Operational Excellence
                                and its components
            Approach 2016
                                103-3 Evaluation of the            √             28, 35 to 37   Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management
                                management approach

              GRI 301:          301-1 Materials used               √             40 to 56      Attaining Operational Excellence
              Materials 2016    by weight or volume


                                103-1 Explanation of the material   √            40 to 56, 24   Attaining Operational Excellence,
                                topic and its boundaries                         57 to 73      Material Matters, Improving Our
                                                                                               Environmental Footprint
            GRI 103:
                                103-2 The management approach      √             40 to 56,     Attaining Operational Excellence,
            Approach 2016
                                and its components                               57 to 73      Improving Our Environmental Footprint
                                103-3 Evaluation of the            √             28, 35 to 37,   Compliance, Enterprise Risk
                                management approach                              43 to 49      Management, How we Leverage
                                                                                               Operational Efficiency?
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