Page 128 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
P. 128
128 Energy in action
GRI Indicators Disclosures Apraava Page No. Report Section
SR 2020-21
Forced or Compulsory Labour
103-1 Explanation of the material √ 28, 74 97 Material Matters, Creating a Conscious
topic and its boundaries Workplace Culture
GRI 103: 103-2 The management approach √ 74 to 97 Creating a Conscious Workplace Culture
Management and its components
Approach 2016
103-3 Evaluation of the √ 28, 35 to 37, Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management,
management approach 74to 97 Creating a Conscious Workplace Culture
GRI 409: Forced 409-1 Operations and suppliers at √ 74 to 97 Creating a Conscious Workplace Culture
or Compulsory significant risk for incidents of
Labour 2016 forced or compulsory labour
Security Practices
103-1 Explanation of the material √ 24, 90 to 97 Material Matters, Building a Culture of
topic and its boundaries Health & Safety
GRI 103:
Management 103-2 The management approach √ 90 to 97 Building a Culture of Health & Safety
Approach 2016 and its components
103-3 Evaluation of the √ 28, 35 to 37 Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management
management approach
GRI 410: 410-1 Security personnel trained in √ 90 to 97 Building a Culture of Health & Safety
Security human rights policies or procedures
Practices 2016
Local Communities
103-1 Explanation of the material √ 24, 98 to 113 Material Matters, Engaging Communities:
GRI 103: topic and its boundaries Enabling Equitable Growth
Approach 2016 103-2 The management approach √ 98 to 113 Engaging Communities:
and its components Enabling Equitable Growth
103-3 Evaluation of the √ 28, 35 to 37, Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management,
management approach 98 to 113 Engaging Communities:
Enabling Equitable Growth