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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

         Water withdrawal and discharge (m )
                                                                                                                        Strategic Water Management: Innovations in Water Conservation and Sustainability
            Water withdrawal                     2020            2021            2022           2023

            Surface water (A)                    150,631,744      152,751,636     152,411,149     146,449,646
            River, lake, pond, etc (i)           150,517,963      152,377,640     152,115,631     145,305,251

            Rain Water (ii)                      113,781          373,996         295,518        1,144,395

            Ground Water (B)                     19,201,348       16,554,124      17,432,334     17,174,125
                                                                                                                        Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL)                              Black Mountain Mine (BMM),
            Third-party Water (C)                9,149,419        7,474,566       9,814,121      12,195,567             Its operations in the water scarce state of               South Africa
                                                                                                                        Rajasthan. The problem of water stress, and               At Vedanta Zinc International’s operations at
            STP Treated Water (iii)              7,036,647        7,180,873       9,590,120      8,568,609
                                                                                                                        the need for active water management is thus              Northern Cape, in South Africa, water is
            Municipal Water/Water through Tanker (iv)   2,112,772     293,693     224,001        3,626,958              more severe.                                              supplied from the Orange River. South Africa’s
                                                                                                                                                                                  National Water Resource Strategy proposes
            Produced Water (D)                   37,451,655       40,564,901      40,775,601     37,109,961
                                                                                                                        HZL has adopted the approach of conserving                constructing several dams on the Orange
            Seawater (E)                         -                -               -              -                      fresh water with a strategic focus on the                 River and this could reduce the supply of water
                                                                                                                        reduction of water drawn at source, through               available to our plant.
            Total Water Withdrawn (F=A+B+C+D+E)   216,434,166     217,345,227     220,433,205     212,929,299
                                                                                                                        zero liquid discharge (ZLD), effective recycling
            Discharged Water (G)                 8,785,462        4,663,635       6,023,953      20,171,667             and reuse, utilization of alternative sources,            To tackle imminent problems, Vedanta Zinc
                                                                                                                        and replenishment of water in watersheds                  International has identified the following key
            Total Net Freshwater Consumption     163,046,621      164,561,822     163,748,013     145,934,667                                                                     projects – the installation of water recycling
            (H=A(i) + B + C(iv) - G)                                                                                    through various innovative measures.
                                                                                                                        Initiatives like rainwater harvesting, storing            plants at BMM to reduce water usage; and the
                                                                                                                        water during the wet season and utilizing it              upgrading of water balances to allow the
                                                                                                                        during the dry season are some of the                     deployment of an online water management
                                                                                                                        proactive measures underway to reduce                     system through which water performance can
         Water consumed and recycled (million m³)                                                                       overall water withdrawal.                                 be managed.

                                                                                                                        HZL also has a water treatment plant to
                                                                                                                        manage its wastewater and ensure zero liquid
                            FY 2023   187.81                 77.70       265.51 million m 3                             discharge. By adopting this approach of water

                                                            29.26%                                                      stewardship, HZL is not only securing its own
                                                                                                                        water supplies and ensuring business
                            FY 2022   194.44                 85.78       280.22 million m 3                             continuity, it is also serving as a role model for

                                                            30.61%                          Total Water Consumption     both civil society and businesses in the region
                                                                                                                        on how water can be managed judiciously to
                            FY 2021   187.35               83.05         270.40 million m 3                             create conditions of water security in water

                                                           30.71%                                                       scarce regions.
                            FY 2020   177.20             73.90           251.10 million m 3                             Furthermore, HZL has set high standards for

                                                         29.43%                                                         itself. It aims to become a five times
                                                                                                                        water-positive company and reduce 25%
                                         Fresh Water Consumption  Recycled/rused water                                  freshwater consumption by 2025.                          Water stewardship pledge
                                                                                                                                                                                 at Vedanta Zinc International

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