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P. 135
Aim 6
Innovating for a greener business model
Key Material Issues Waste Management
Waste management, Tailings management, Air emissions & quality, Biodiversity & ecosystems
Our waste management Waste management principles founded
framework follows the principles of on generating less waste
minimization, optimization and
circularity, to create low-waste trail
operations, generate the maximum Reduce waste at source
The world relies on the metals and mining of pollutants. In biodiverse areas, mining benefit from production
industry to provide inputs for its progress can lead to habitat destruction, processes, significantly lower
and help it transition to more carbon-light biodiversity loss and displacement of operational costs and comply with Reduce toxicity through
national and international waste
ways of living. At Vedanta, we are fully plant and animal species. These impacts management regulations. treatment
cognizant of the responsibilities that we of our business need to minimized and, to
carry. The act of mining affects the the extent possible, reversed. We balance In adherence with the principle of Recover waste for reuse
environment, often leading to the release these conflicts through our business minimization, our attempt is to
model which seeks to optimize what we produce less waste by volume and
do and restore what we harm – by making to also reduce its toxicity. This is Recycle waste for reuse
followed by recovery and recycling
the most out of waste, through (either through our own processes
end-to-end tailings management, and by or by authorized recyclers), which
implementing the principles of leads to minimal waste for disposal Minimum waste to landfill
No-Net-Loss (NNL) in areas of biodiversity to landfill or by incineration. We
loss. Our constant attempt is to change produce a wide variety of waste
the commonly-held negative associations streams across our sites and
these include:
about mining through our actions, and to Effective waste management practices
leads to cost savings. By reducing waste
make our activities compatible with the • Hazardous waste generation, optimizing processes, and
functioning of natural ecosystems and promoting recycling, the company
communities. • Non-hazardous waste minimizes waste disposal costs, raw
material expenses, and energy
• High-volume low toxicity waste consumption. Implementation of
(HVLT) efficient waste management practices
enhances operational efficiencies for us.
• Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) By effectively managing waste and
through proper treatment and disposal
• Tailings of hazardous wastes, we also avoid fines,
penalties, and legal liabilities associated
with non-compliance.