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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

             Jharsuguda smelter: A national benchmark in water efficiency

             Vedanta Aluminium's Smelter-1 located at            •  Revamping of dual media filter for STP                Future plans
             Jharsuguda, Odisha, has emerged as a                   leading to increase in amount of water                Given the high carbon footprint of
             national benchmark in water efficiency                 recycled                                              smelters, the water wins achieved
             among aluminium smelters in India.                  √  Impact: 0.01 m /MT                                    at Jharsuguda come as a beacon
             Through various initiatives and                                                                              of hope for our business and the
             investments, the smelter has successfully                                                                    industry at large. We have
             minimized its water footprint, maximized            The cumulative savings are to the tune of                ambitious plans of amplifying and
             water reutilization, and reduced its                0.06 m /MT of water and has positively                   optimizing these positive results
             specific water consumption.                         contributed to the overall water                         to drive even greater impact. We
                                                                 efficiency of the smelter.
                                                                                                                          intend further increasing the
             The milestone has been achieved through                                                                      rainwater utilization through the
             several initiatives, and these are:
                                                                 Magnetic float valve installed in all end users'         installation of a lift pump in the
             •  Installation of storm water utilization          Sintex tanks to minimise water wastage                   SWPH Reservoir, with a target of
               system to increase usage of recycle                                                                        achieving 0.04 m /MT savings.
               water                                                                                                      Additionally, plans are underway
                                                                 Fire Water line placed above ground to                   to install Reverse Osmosis (RO)
             √  Benefits achieved: Reduction of                  minimize the fire water leakages                         and Multiple Effect Evaporator
               freshwater consumption                                                                                     (MEE) systems with a capacity of

             √  Impact: 0.03 m /MT                                                                                        200 cubic meters per hour
                                                                                                                          (m /HR). In the short term, the
             •  ETP sandbed replacement to increase                                                                       focus is on minimizing firewater
               ETP efficiency                                                                                             leakages by implementing
             √  Benefits achieved: Increase in recycling                                                                  above-ground firewater lines.
               water percentage

             √  Impact: 0.02 m /MT

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