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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

         Water-Related Regulatory Changes                                                                                    Systematic tracking and                                 Water Withdrawal and Consumption
                                                                                                                             monitoring of waters level
         Regulatory changes at the local level                  across the project lifecycle. Along with                                                                             Untreated water discharged from
         All Vedanta companies comply with all                  these measures, we are also deploying                        Our operations are guided by an EMS                     mining operations can adversely
         applicable local, regional and national-level          high-technology solutions to accelerate                      system and our Water Management TS,                     impact the environment and human
         laws on water management. Our facilities               water and resource conservation.                             which provide a clear process for                       health. Inappropriate disposal of
         adhere to the water withdrawal limits set by                                                                        tracking and monitoring water                           wastewater, contaminated water, or
         local authorities. We have also put in place           Understanding and preparing for                              availability at the local level. We ensure              pollutants can pollute local water
         stringent policies that support the                    high-risk situations                                         responsible water management by                         bodies, degrade water quality, and harm
         responsible and sustainable use of                     Through scenario analysis using RCP 4.5                      measuring, monitoring, and reporting                    aquatic ecosystems. These impacts
         resources at our owned and/or managed                  and 8.5, we have identified several                          the volume of water withdrawn,                          can, in turn, affect the livelihoods and
         operations.                                            high-order potential risks that can affect our               discharged, and consumed, as well as,                   well-being of communities that depend
                                                                business.                                                    our current water intensity. Daily data                 on these water resources for their daily
         Estimating and preparing for potential                                                                              required for preparing each of these                    needs.
         regulatory changes at the local level                  •  In the RCP 4.5 scenario, we anticipate
                                                                  water scarcity at our BALCO and Cairn Oil                  metrics and others, are mandatorily
         Water conditions are specific to every                   & Gas units. Our IOB units face a high risk                collected by our BUs, in compliance                     We take a dual approach to the water
         region and influenced by local conditions                of flooding over the next decade. Vedanta                  with our corporate and legal                            we use. We follow the principle of zero
         like topography, average rainfall, population            Aluminium at Lanjigarh and Jharsuguda,                     requirements, as well as for the GRI                    liquid discharge at all our sites, and
         density and so on. For this reason, our water            in Odisha, already face cyclone risk, which                Mining and Metals Performance                           treat and recycle all the wastewater
         management plans consider the specific                   is likely to get accentuated in the future,                Indicators. These performance metrics                   that we produce. By doing so, we have
         water conditions of each location where we               given the increasing risk of cyclones over                 are regularly tracked and reported to                   been able to progressively reduce our
         operate. We also closely track water                     the Bay of Bengal.                                         management by our Water Community                       freshwater withdrawals. Our rate of
         consumption patterns at our individual                                                                                                                                      recycling has improved by 2% in
         sites, coupled with periodic risk assessment           •  Under the worst-case scenario (RCP 8.5),                  of Practice.                                            FY2023 as compared to last year. For
         studies to devise our location-specific                  many of our businesses, including Sterlite                                                                         our new projects, we are prioritizing on
         water management plans.                                  Copper (at Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu),                       Other systematic tracking exercises                     minimum freshwater use and building in
                                                                  Talwandi Sabo Power Ltd (TSPL) at                          include installation of water meters at
         Approximately 66.66% of our operational                  Mansa, Punjab ; BALCO at Korba,                            our sources to record daily water                       recycling and reuse capabilities right
         sites are situated in water-stressed areas. In           Chattisgarh, and Cairn Oil and Gas, will                   quantity KPIs. Additionally, our water                  from the start, while also making
         these regions, we anticipate stricter                    face extreme climate risks, including                      managers also conduct an internal                       innovative use of other supplementary
         regulations around water usage by                        water stress and scarcity. Consequently,                   water audit every year, covering                        sources. Among the projects in our
         businesses, over the medium- to long-term,               we anticipate a potential increase in local                aspects of water withdrawals. Annual                    pipeline, 77% are focused on reusing
         considering the likelihood of water shortage             and national reporting requirements on                     external water audits are also carried                  wastewater in operations. The
         and other issues like salt-water intrusion. To           water consumption and withdrawal by our                    out as a part of ISO 14001, GRI, and                    remaining 23% plan to use multiple
         effectively address such situations, we have             operations, in the near future. Vedanta will               VSAP compliance needs.                                  sources like municipal wastewater,
         implemented several measures that                        also experience very high temperatures at                                                                          saline water, and rainwater harvesting.
         promote extensive water conservation,                    TSPL and at our units in Namibia and
         including rainwater harvesting, water                    South Africa. To proactively prepare for
         recycling and reuse; implementation of zero              the future, Vedanta and its subsidiaries
         discharge at all sites; and facilitation of              are already measuring their water use and
         participatory water monitoring with affected             consumption and implementing initiatives
         communities for better management of                     towards water conservation.
         potential conflicts related to water use

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