Page 46 - Environmental Report for EXL Services_Web Only
P. 46

Helping Clients
          Our Presence  Highlights  World is  Transition to  There is  Strategic  Accomplishing  Transitioning  Climate  Accelerating  Water Use &  Cultivating  use Structured  GRI  GHG  List of
            Across  and Progress  Influencing  Climate- aligned  Always a  through  to Climate  Positive  Waste  Culture of         Assurance                46
           the Globe  on Goals  Our Journey  World  Better Way  Framework  Actions  Aligned Business  Commitments  Change  Management  Shared Value  Environmental Data  Index  Statement  Abbreviations
                                                                                                                     for Risk Aversion

         GRI Index

            GRI          Description                                                          Relevance to SASB      Section of the Report        Page No.

            102-1        Name of the Organization                                                                    Cover Page                   -
            102-2        Activities, brands, products, and services                                                  Our Presence across the      5-6, 45
                                                                                                                     globe, How EXL helps

            102-3        Location of the organization’s headquarters                                                 Our Presence across the globe   5
            102-4        Location of operations                                                                      Our Presence across the globe   5-6
            102-6        Markets served                                                                              Our Presence across the globe   5-6
            102-7        Scale of the organization                                                                   Our Presence across the globe   5-6

            102-15       Key impacts, risks, and opportunities                                                       Environmental Risks and Mitigation   27-28
            102-16       Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour                                       Our Purpose, Our Values      4
            102-20       Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics               Accomplishing through Actions   18-21
            102-21       Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics                       Strategic Framework          16
            102-32       Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting                                  Accomplishing through Actions   18-21

            102-47       List of material topics                                                                     Strategic Framework          16-17
            102-55       GRI content index                                                                           GRI Content Index            46-47
            302-1        Energy consumption within the organization                           Energy Management      Energy Consumption and       30-33
                                                                                                                     Efficiency Measures

            302-2        Energy consumption outside of the organization                       Energy Management      Energy Consumption and       30-33
                                                                                                                     Efficiency Measures
            302-3        Energy intensity                                                     Energy Management      Energy Consumption and       30-33
                                                                                                                     Efficiency Measures
            302-4        Reduction of energy consumption                                      Energy Management      Energy Consumption and       30-33
                                                                                                                     Efficiency Measures
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51