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Across and Progress Influencing Climate- aligned Always a through to Climate Positive Waste Culture of Assurance 44
the Globe on Goals Our Journey World Better Way Framework Actions Aligned Business Commitments Change Management Shared Value Environmental Data Index Statement Abbreviations
for Risk Aversion
Extreme weather events are predicted to undoubtedly profit from the forward-thinking with property insights derived from internal
account for the largest amount of strategy of exploiting property attributes, both and external sources. For example, weather
compensation insurers’ will have to pay out in terms of location-level risk management and variables such as low-level moisture,
over the next 10 years. Such trends will prudential capital needs. convective instability and vertical wind shear
require modeling that assists insurance all have been linked to hail formation. What
providers to better assess climate risk at the Quick Weather Data Feeds Drive Risk Control does the historical data indicate? Now factor
property level, as well as mechanisms that Decisions in data on building construction to predicting
help organize collaborative action among Insurers need to understand the gaps in the the risk of hail damage.
insurance carriers, state regulators, understanding of physical processes and the Similarly, when predicting flood risk to a
communities, and homeowners to reduce inadequacy of weather information required for property, most carriers rely on the flood
climate risk. As it always has, a company high-resolution modeling of extreme weather insurance risk map that divides the U.S. into
that anticipates business disruptions such events. This would allow models to better low/moderate/high flood zones. However, the
as climate change is better prepared to factor in the year-on-year effect of global premiums should be based on the actual flood
mitigate any negative impact on their warming on the local and global weather as risk to a property structure rather than the
well as predict extreme weather risk. Insurers zone it is located in. Although some carriers do
could then assess climate exposure to their take into account the design of the structure,
First Steps
book roll, which would lead to identifying age of the structure and elevation or if the
Insurers have already taken steps in the right structural inadequacies on a single policy. foundation is subgrade or not, the premiums in
direction, starting with limited solutions such They could then enforce risk control measures most cases do not reflect actual risk.
as overlaying topographical maps with the like requesting changes, and, in case of Therefore, a view of the current property
results from existing models to underwrite non-compliance by the policyholder, increase condition plus plugging in real-time weather
properties. Yet, this simple approach does not the premium or reject policy renewal. forecasts can be leveraged for a more active
leverage the data that insurance carriers can Forecasting the data well in advance along approach to claims management. For example,
quickly access. They have massive databases with analyzing the existing property condition the path followed by natural catastrophic
from simulation models and satellites when it can be a good indicator of potential claims. events and their intensity can be clubbed with
comes to weather and climate. The problem is Adjusting policies to account for risk-control property attributes for the scheduling of SIUs
figuring out how to use them to their full measures that can be accounted for before the and fraud detection. In this way, properties
potential. As a result, scientists have turned to extreme weather conditions intensify will only that might have poor roofs and have been in
computer vision to identify hail-bearing storms. benefit both the insurer and the policyholder.
the eyewall of the storm can be prioritized and
So far, damage prediction has been done For this all to work, underwriters and data triaged accordingly.
manually. Insurance carriers would scientists will need to integrate weather data