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Helping Clients
          Our Presence  Highlights  World is  Transition to  There is  Strategic  Accomplishing  Transitioning  Climate  Accelerating  Water Use &  Cultivating  use Structured  GRI  GHG  List of
            Across  and Progress  Influencing  Climate- aligned  Always a  through  to Climate  Positive  Waste  Culture of         Assurance                49
           the Globe  on Goals  Our Journey  World  Better Way  Framework  Actions  Aligned Business  Commitments  Change  Management  Shared Value  Environmental Data  Index  Statement  Abbreviations
                                                                                                                     for Risk Aversion

                                  DG systems   0.8   kg CO2e/kWh   AMS-I.F, version 3.0       approach for GHG emission accounting in a structured and transparent manner in line with the GHG
                                  (>200 kW load                                               Protocol and ISO 14064-1.
                                  Air Travel   -   tCO2 / passenger-km  DEFRA 2021            Materiality:  The  principle  of  materiality has been considered  by including  all relevant  GHG emission
                                  (Domestic, short                                            sources.  GHG data/ sustainability report  is updated  annually to  reflect  the GHG emission value and
                                  haul and long-haul                                          material issue. In accordance  with  the requirements of  its key stakeholders,  ‘EXL’ has identified  its
                                  flights)                                                    significant emission sources within the chosen scope.

                                  Conclusions                                                 Responsiveness:  Responsiveness is integrated into  the stakeholder engagement  process. GHG-
                                  In our opinion, based on the scope of this assurance engagement, the disclosures on GHG emission   related information is intended to be shared with CDP disclosure.
                                  reported in the GHG data/ sustainability report adequately. During the verification we have performed   Impact: ‘EXL’ is monitoring and measuring the environment KPIs through there sustainability report.
                                  nothing has come to our attention (except explicitly stated “Limitations”) that causes us to believe that
                                  the information subject to the limited assurance engagement is not prepared, w.r.t. GHG emission (direct   TUVI expressly disclaims any liability or co-responsibility for any decision a person or entity would make
                                  and indirect), in accordance with the TNCC20, ISO 14064, ISAE 3000 (revised), ISAE 3410 (GHGs) and   based on  this assurance statement. The  intended  users of  this assurance  statement  are  the
                                                                                              management of ‘EXL’. The management of the ‘EXL’ is responsible for the information provided in the
                                  GHG Protocol.
                              Greenhouse Gases Verification   * The above results are limited to the reported emission categories. Other emission sources are not part of   Greenhouse Gases Verification   TUVI is an independent, neutral, third-party providing carbon services, with qualified environmental and
                                                                                              GHG  data/ sustainability  report  as well  as the  process of  collecting;  analysing  and reporting the
                                  GHG Emissions: ‘EXL’ has reported the following GHG emissions for reporting period
                                                                                              information  as presented in  the  worksheet. TUVI’s responsibility regarding this verification  is in
                                                                                              accordance with the agreed scope of work which includes GHG emission (direct and indirect) disclosed
                                   Emission Category
                                                                       Value (tCO2e)
                                                                                              by ‘EXL’ in the GHG data/ sustainability report. This assurance engagement is based on the assumption
                                   Stationary combustion - Diesel oil for DG set -(GHG Protocol scope 1)
                                                                                              that the data and the information provided to TUVI are complete and true.
                                   Mobile combustion - Fuels for company owned vehicles -(GHG Protocol scope 1)
                                                                                               TUV’s Competence and Independence
                                   Fugitive emissions - Refrigerant gases & CO2 fire extinguishers-
                                   (GHG Protocol scope 1)
                                   Purchased grid electricity (GHG Protocol scope 2)
                                                                                              Greenhouse  gas (GHG) verifier.  TUVI  states its independence  and impartiality with  regard  to  this
                                   Purchased off-grid electricity (shared DG set) (GHG Protocol scope 2)
                                                                                              assurance engagement. In the reporting year, TUVI  did  not work with  ‘EXL’ on any engagement that
                                   Purchased Heat (GHG Protocol scope 2)
                                                                                              could compromise the independence or impartiality of our findings, conclusions. TUVI was not involved
                                   Category 7: Employee teleworking (GHG Protocol scope 3)
                                                                                              in the preparation  of any statements or data  included in the  GHG data/ sustainability report, with the
                                   Category 7: Employee commuting (GHG Protocol scope 3)
                                                                                              exception  of  this Assurance  Statement.  TUVI maintains complete  impartiality towards any people
                                   Category 6: Business air travel (GHG Protocol scope 3)
                                                                                              interviewed during the assurance engagement. The sole responsibility for the preparation and content of
                                   Category 1: Purchased goods (packaged water) (GHG Protocol scope 3)
                                                                                              the GHG data/ sustainability report lies with ‘EXL’. TUVI did not interact with ‘EXL’ or its stakeholders in
                                   Category 1: Purchased goods (paper) (GHG Protocol scope 3)
                                                                                              any prior engagements which could impair the impartiality of the results and recommendations made in
                                   Category 5: Waste generated (food wastes) (GHG Protocol scope 3)
                                                                                              this statement.

                                  Assurance. In year 2021, because of Pandemic situation, limited operations observed at office location.
                                                                                               For and on behalf of TUV India Private Limited
                                  TUVI  did not  perform  any  assurance of  procedures  on  the prospective information,  such as  targets,

                                  expectations, and ambitions. Consequently, TUVI draws no conclusion on the prospective information.
                                  This assurance statement has been prepared in  accordance  with the  terms  of  our  engagement.  In
                                  accordance with the ISAE 3000 (revised) requirements read in conjunction with ISAE 3410, the below
                                  principles were adhered.
                                                                                                                                Date: 29/06/2022
                                                                                              Product Head – Sustainability Assurance Service
                                                                                                                               Place: Mumbai, India
                                                                                              TUV India Private Limited
                                  TUVI  follows IESBA (International  Ethics Standards Board  for  Accountants)  Code which,  adopts a
                                  threats and safeguards approach to independence.  It is confirmed that the Assurance Team is selected
                                  to avoid  situations  of self-interest, self-review,  advocacy,  and familiarity.  The  Assessment  Team was
                                  safeguarded from any type of intimidation.                  Manojkumar Borekar         Assurance Statement no: 8120342003
                                  Quality control
                                  The Assurance  Team  complies with  the Code  of  Ethics for  Professional Accountants issued  by the
                                  IESBA,  which  includes  independence and  other requirements founded on  fundamental principles  of
                                  integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, and professional behaviour.
                                  In accordance with International Standard on Quality Control, TUVI maintains a comprehensive system
                                  of  quality  control,  including documented  policies  and procedures  regarding compliance with  ethical
                                  requirements, professional standards, and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
                                  In the context of GHG reporting the following contemporary principles has been observed:
                                  Inclusivity: ‘EXL’ included the GHG sources under direct and indirect. All concerned data owners were
                                  engaged  through  corporate communications. ‘EXL’  engaged  with their  different  branches  in India,
                                  encouraging them  to disclose GHG  emissions.  GHG data/ sustainability report describes the  chosen
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