Page 50 - Environmental Report for EXL Services_Web Only
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Helping Clients
          Our Presence  Highlights  World is  Transition to  There is  Strategic  Accomplishing  Transitioning  Climate  Accelerating  Water Use &  Cultivating  use Structured  GRI  GHG  List of
            Across  and Progress  Influencing  Climate- aligned  Always a  through  to Climate  Positive  Waste  Culture of         Assurance                50
           the Globe  on Goals  Our Journey  World  Better Way  Framework  Actions  Aligned Business  Commitments  Change  Management  Shared Value  Environmental Data  Index  Statement  Abbreviations
                                                                                                                     for Risk Aversion

         List of Abbreviations

          AI        Artificial Intelligence                      CDP        Carbon Disclosure Project

          CO2       Carbon Dioxide                               LEED      Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

          IOT       Internet of Things                           DEI       Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

          RPA       Robotic Process Automation                   ESG       Environmental, Social, and Governance

          SDGs      Sustainable Development Goals                FLA       First Line Assurance

          BDA       Broadcast Driver Architecture                IT/ITeS   Information Technology/ Information Technology Enabled Services

          ERM       Enterprise Risk Management                   HVAC      Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

          GHG       Greenhouse Gas                               DG        Diesel Generated

          EHS       Environment, Health & Safety                 CPU       Central Processing Unit

          EV        Electric Vehicle                             LED       Light-Emitting Diode

          CSA       Compliance Self-Assessment                   EPEAT      Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool

          CRT       Compliance Review and Testing
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