Page 42 - Environmental Report for EXL Services_Web Only
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Helping Clients
          Our Presence  Highlights  World is  Transition to  There is  Strategic  Accomplishing  Transitioning  Climate  Accelerating  Water Use &  Cultivating  use Structured  GRI  GHG  List of
            Across  and Progress  Influencing  Climate- aligned  Always a  through  to Climate  Positive  Waste  Culture of         Assurance                42
           the Globe  on Goals  Our Journey  World  Better Way  Framework  Actions  Aligned Business  Commitments  Change  Management  Shared Value  Environmental Data  Index  Statement  Abbreviations
                                                                                                                     for Risk Aversion

             Campaign 3- Waste at Home                                                             Campaign 4- Energy at Home
             Waste management is more important     Repair                                         Improving energy efficiency at your   smart power strips to reduce energy
             than ever with the continued growth of   Repairing when needed, you are sustaining    home is not only a great way to   wasted by “standby power”.
             landfills and marine debris. As we strive   the products you own and reducing waste   reduce your carbon footprint, but it
             for a zero-waste planet, here are the six                                             can save you money too. With   Buy Efficient
             areas where you can begin curbing waste   Reuse                                       various programs to take your clean   When you buy electronics, look for
             at home:                                                                              energy efforts to the next level, there   labels that tell you the product is
                                                    Consider reusing or extending useful life at   are several things you can do to
             Rethink                                least once, and possibly many more times.      begin saving today!            energy efficient, such as EPEAT
                                                                                                                                  certified and ENERGY STAR in the
             Rethink before you choose, it not only   Repurpose                                                                   US.
             eliminates waste, it also lowers demand,                                              Set it for Savings             •  Insulate your water heater to
             which tells suppliers to produce less   Feed them back to the soil by repurposing     You can save 10% by dialing your
                                                    your organic waste into compost, to give       thermostat back for just 8 hours.   keep hot water hot
             Restore                                back to nature sustainably. Transform the                                     •  Opt for a lamp on your desk
                                                    stuffs which we would normally throw away      Beware Of Vampires                rather than using full room lights
             When possible, buying in bulk limits   into something cool and useful
             packaging and often costs less per item.                                              Even when not in use, products that   •  Swap out old light bulbs for LEDs
             Online bulk stores can be a good option if   Recycle                                  are plugged in may still suck up   •  Use curtains and blinds to let in
             you don’t have one nearby.                                                            energy.” Unplug devices that aren’t
                                                    Listed last because there are so many          in use, enable “sleep mode” or “eco   light and heat when you want it
                                                    alternatives before adding to the waste        mode” on electronics, and use     and to keep it out when you don’t
                                                    stream, even if to the recycling system.
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