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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

            STAGE 2: Biodiversity Risk Assessment

         The risk and impact identification process                 crystallizing of the to-be way forward. Accordingly, additional                    These include:
         helps to determine biodiversity risks and                  biodiversity management practices and measures necessary to                          1)  Ecosystems most likely to be impacted by daily operations, resulting
         impacts from a proposed project                            achieve our NNL goal are determined, designed and subsequently,                         in adverse impacts to proximate communities,
         construction and operations aspect, within a               deployed.                                                                            2)  Ecosystems on which our operations depend. Further, an ecosystem
         10 km radius of the site. This part of the risk          •  Where operations are likely to adversely impact ecosystems, a                          dependency and impact assessment may be conducted in order to
         and impact identification process aligns with              review of priority ecosystem impact is undertaken.                                      identify critical ecosystem services in the area.
         regulatory requirements like EIA Notification
         2006, and international standard
         requirements like Environmental and Social                         Impacts and dependencies identified in the Biodiversity Risk Assessment
         Impact Assessments, Biodiversity
         Management Plans, Critical Habitat Studies,                      Potential impacts on nature include loss of
         to name the key evaluation exercises.                            habitat and/or species and degradation of     Biodiversity Risks                     Mitigation Hierarchy
                                                                          natural ecosystems, including the impact of
         Further, at this stage, Key Biodiversity Areas                   pollution. Use of natural capital as          •  Loss of modified habitats due to    •  Avoid                            •  Offset
                                                                                                                          construction of infrastructure (high)
         (KBA) and Protected Areas (PA) located                           represented by natural resources like water,                                         -  No discharge policy to prevent   -  Expansion of vegetative cover
                                                                                                                                                                 pollution of water bodies
                                                                                                                                                                                                     in barren/degraded lands
         within a 50 km radius of the site are                            soil, minerals is the other aspect of our     •  Disturbance due to dust and         -  Due diligence to avoid/restrict   -  Restoration of wildlife habitats
                                                                                                                          pollution from the movement of
         screened using IBAT and secondary                                impact. Today there is heightened awareness     vehicles (high)                        procurement from Critical           and corridors
                                                                          regarding companies’ use of natural capital
         literature. Stakeholder consultations are also                   and the corporate world is moving towards                                              Habitats                          -  Restoration of coastal
         extensively held to understand the localized                     natural capital accounting as a basis for     •  Habitat degradation due to fugitive   -  SOPs to prevent introduction of   ecosystems including wetlands
                                                                                                                          emissions from the plant (high)
         point of view and any distinctive                                project cost evaluation. At Vedanta, we                                                invasive species during             and mangroves
         socio-economic, geographic or climactic                          recognize our use of natural resources as a   •  Habitat degradation due to air        movement of vehicles and goods    •  Transform
                                                                                                                          pollution and vehicular movement
         dynamics that may have been overlooked in                        key dependency, which gets reflected in         (medium)                             •  Minimize                         -  Conservation of endangered
         the standardized studies.                                        these risk assessments.
                                                                                                                        •  Introduction of invasive species from   -  EMP to minimize air, noise, water,   fauna
                                                                                                                          vehicular movement (medium)            soil pollution                    -  Conservation centres for
         Post-evaluation outcomes and actions                             The biodiversity risk assessment exercise                                            -  Afforestation and greenbelt        endangered plants
                                                                          prioritised the sites on the basis of risk and   •  Faunal injury/fatality due to      plantation to reduce disturbance  -  Wildlife rescue support
         After the evaluation metrics furnish their                       classifies them as: High, Medium and Low.       movement of vehicles (medium)        -  Regulation of and defining routes   -  Support in prevention of forest
         results, sites can be clearly classified on the                  This assigned priority rating then determines   •  Loss of animal movement corridor    for vehicular movements             fires
         basis of the biodiversity risk they pose.                        the nature of Biodiversity Management Plan      (medium)                             -  Improved monitoring of habitats  -  Livelihood improvement and
         According to such classifications, the                           (BMP) to be prepared for the relevant site.   •  Possible loss of endangered plant                                         engagement with local
         conservation actions to be taken are                             Once the plan is prepared, it is implemented    species (low)                        •  Restore                            community
         determined.                                                      and helps to manage and mitigate our impact   •  Freshwater pollution from accidental   -  Soil & moisture conservation   -  Public awareness campaigns
                                                                          on biodiversity against a variety of            run-offs (low)                         activities                        -  Capacity building for forest
         •  Where sites are in close proximity to                         parameters.                                                                          -  Plantation of native and           personnel
           biodiversity rich areas, as has been                                                                         •  Loss of natural/wildlife habitats (low)  endangered species             -  Bamboo fodder development
           identified above, three further evaluation                     A consolidated list of impact-based           •  Loss of migratory and congregatory   -  Removal of invasive species
           actions are taken. The current status of                       biodiversity risks and examples of actions to   wetlands for birds (low)             -  Introduction of aquatic
           biodiversity is assessed, along with the                       be taken as per the mitigation hierarchy are   •  Withdrawal of water resources from   vegetation
           interaction of biodiversity with operations                    depicted below:                                 water stressed areas (low)           -  Restoration of water bodies
           at the project site. Further, the biodiversity
           conservation approach currently being
           followed is also evaluated.
                                                                  We completed the Baseline Biodiversity Survey this year for all our sites. The baseline establishes a core set of biodiversity assessment criteria  or
           This leads to a pragmatic understanding of             indicators, which form the basis of site-specific impact analysis and guides the shaping and definition of mitigation and management measures.
           the as-is conditions, helping in the

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