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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

            STAGE 3: Biodiversity Management Plan

         Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) is                           the supply of raw materials. Our primary
         developed for all our operations based on the                   upstream supply chain includes supply of
         findings of the technical biodiversity risk                     raw materials like coal, alumina to our
         assessment and provides detailed guidance                       processing operations. The main
         on the implementation of appropriate                            impact-based risk originating from
         mechanisms that can help to minimize impact.                    upstream operations includes loss,
         The biodiversity management procedures                          degradation or disturbance to wildlife
         focus on specific biodiversity topics relevant                  habitats due to procurement of material
         to the sector that the site falls under, and                    from Critical Habitats.
         provides direction on how evaluation and
         monitoring can be done across the project life                  As a mitigation measure, for procurement
         cycle, in conformance with milestones that                      of raw material from ecologically sensitive
         need to be achieved for NNL outcomes.                           areas, the Biodiversity Management Plans
                                                                         prepared for the sites include
         Risk management measures outlined in the                        recommendations to carry out due
         BMP are commensurate with the level of risk                     diligence assessment for entities in the
         identified during the Biodiversity Risk                         supply chain. One of the key criteria
         Screening Assessment. For sites that fall                       proposed in the assessment includes
         within 50kms of a Key Biodiversity Area (KBA),                  avoiding sources or transportation routes
         Protected Area (PA), the BMP provides                           that could disturb biodiversity sensitive
         recommendations on due diligence                                areas such as Protected Areas or Key
         assessment for supply chain entities and for                    Biodiversity Areas. This in addition to the
         sourcing of material from biodiversity rich                     requirement for partners in the supply
         areas.                                                          chain to have necessary clearances and
                                                                         permits including Environmental
         In addition to direct operational impacts, the                  clearance, Forest clearance, Wildlife
         BMP extends the risk screening process to                       clearance as applicable.
         identification of potential impacts from
         upstream operations, specifically in relation to

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