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 STAGE 4: Implementation and monitoring

 We create customized protocols for   corporate and legal requirements and uses the   Mitigation Approach
 biodiversity and ecosystem services   GRI Mining and Metals Performance Indicators          Transform
 management that is specific to each site.   as reference points.
 These protocols keep evolving based on our                              Net positive                Additional
 examination of existing Best Management   BMP monitoring entails:         impact                   conservation
 Practices (BMP) and procedures, as we seek   •  Collection of data on the implementation of          actions
 to address incremental and emerging   activities and outputs, according to the   +  Residual  Offset  Offset
 requirements. These protocols are   action plan;  Biodiversity  impact
 developed in alignment with global best   values  Biodiversity  Biodiversity  Biodiversity  Biodiversity  No net loss
 practices and are constantly informed by our   •  Collection of data on the delivery of results   -  impact  impact  impact  impact
 No Net Loss vision, ensuring that the bigger   and impacts according to the indicators
 goal of neutralizing net impact on   identified in the logical framework/monitoring   Restoration  Restoration  Restoration
 biodiversity over the longer term,  remains   and evaluation activity/ programme;
 consistent. Each Vedanta site develops   •  Collection of data on the indicators specified
 performance indicators on the basis of   in the BMP.  Minimization  Minimization    Minimization   Minimization

                                       Avoidance       Avoidance      Avoidance      Avoidance       Avoidance
 Sites adjacent to areas of high biodiversity value

 Business Unit  Site  Location  Area of Biodiversity Value  Area (Ha)

 Aluminium  Vedanta Lanjigarh  Lanjigarh, India  Niyamgiri, Khambesi  833
 ESL Steel  Bokaro Plant  Near Bokaro,  Notified forest  540
 Limited  Chattisgarh  adjacent to the plant

 Zinc  Skorpian Zinc  Rosh Pinah,  Sperrgebiet  1,705
 International  Namibia  National Park

 Black Mountain  Aggeneys,  Succulent Karoo  23,997
 Mines  South Africa  Biodiversity Hotspot

 BMM - Gamsberg  Gamsberg,  Succulent Karoo  15,205
 South Africa  Biodiversity Hotspot

 Total  42,281

 Biodiversity Mitigating Actions
 are the final resort for compensating for any
 The underlying objective behind these   such impacts that remain after all possible
 extensive screening and evaluation exercises   avoidance and mitigation measures have been
 is the avoidance or mitigation of negative   implemented. Net positive gains achieved
 biodiversity impacts, and these are   through offsets are designed to rebalance any
 implemented on priority. Biodiversity offsets   critical habitat impacts that cannot be avoided.

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