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Air emissions and quality
Air quality management and the air quality at our sites so that Air Emission (metric tonnes)*
emissions control are issues that effects of our operations can be
affect a large number of stakeholders evaluated in real time and suitable
and need strong oversight and interventions for maintaining 89,857
regular monitoring. The efficient mandated standards of air quality, FY 2023 18,275 502,403
management of air emissions from can be taken. We do this with the
our sites, their impact on the ambient help of emission control 84,641
air quality is a vital component of our technologies and advanced FY 2022 11,827 509,069
sustainability strategy and crucial for monitoring systems, which flag off
fostering positive relationships with any potential issues. We actively 66,305
our neighbouring communities. monitor SPM, sulphur oxides (SO ), FY 2021 526,421 PM Emissions
and nitrogen oxides (NO ) as part of 19,693 SOx Emissions
NOx Emissions
Further, it is mandatory for us to our ambient air quality monitoring 67,317
comply with environmental process. Additionally, lead emissions FY 2020 508,206
regulations on a variety of air from our zinc operations, fluoride 11,215
emissions like emissions of emissions from our copper and
particulate matter, sulphur dioxide aluminium operations, and Polycyclic SOx emissions have been recalculated based on revised SOx emission factor in FY23
(SO ), nitrogen oxides (NO ), and Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from
others. Non-compliance can result in our aluminium operations are being
fines, penalties, and legal monitored to align them with our Air quality improvements
consequences for the company and Environmental Management
also disrupt regular operations. Standard. Operations/Units Activities (Policies/Technological interventions etc.)
Therefore, rigorous air emissions
management is necessary as Measures to enhance air quality ESL HFTR Installation in Sinter
High Frequency rectifier transformer is installed in Sinter Plant to bring the
significant operational and As in other areas, our focus on air emission below 100 mg/Nm3 by improving the frequency of Electrostatic
reputational risks are involved. emissions management goes well Precipitator (ESP).
beyond mere compliance. We are HZL Tail Gas Plant (TGT)
Processes involved in mining, such as using advanced technologies and Installed in smelter to further cut down SO emissions from stack.
drilling, processing, and processes to minimize our emissions
transportation, all have an impact on and reduce our environmental VAL Jharsuguda Installation of Wheel Wash System
Wheel Wash System improves the ambient air quality at Ash Handling Plant AHP
air quality. We have established impact. In 100% of our sites we have & Coal Handling Plant CHP area during transportation has been improved and it
systems for continuous monitoring of met the compliance requirements. meets NAAQS