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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

              STAGE 1: Biodiversity Risk Screening

         Biodiversity risk screening involves identifying             Activities done and guidelines provided at the Risk Screening stage
         known or ostensibly sensitive biodiverse areas
         within core areas and buffer areas that may be
         directly or indirectly be affected as a result of
         our operations. Impacts on these areas are
         usually of two types and are classified as                                                                           •  Use of the IBAT and/or STAR tool
         habitat related or species related. We
         undertake a location specific approach to                                                                            •  Identification of highly biodiverse areas
         carry out risk assessment.                                                                                             through IBAT
                                                                                                                              •  Identification of areas and species under
                                                                                                                                threat by the STAR tool

         Our deep commitment to minimizing negative
         impacts of our operations is demonstrated by
         our use of evaluation metrics. To assess
         potential impact on species loss we use the                                           Project                  Threat                 Restoration
         STAR (Species Threat Abatement and                                                   initiation              evaluation                initiatives
         Restoration) metric, which is based on
         International Union for Conservation of Nature
         (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. The
         metric-based assessment is done for each
         business unit. STAR then combines the data on
         species, the threats they face and their risk of
         extinction, to produce two complementary
         global data layers for threat abatement (STAR-T)                      •  Preliminary evaluation of                               •  STAR-T and STAR-R
         and restoration (STAR-R).                                               biodiversity impact on                                     provide guidance on
                                                                                 project premises and                                       locations where
                                                                                 proximate areas                                            threat abatement
                                                                               •  Based on Vedanta's                                        and restoration
                                                                                 Technical Standard on                                      activities can help
                                                                                 Biodiversity Management                                    reduce species
                                                                                                                                            extinction risk and
                                                                                                                                            contribute to
                                                                                                                                            conservation goals

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