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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

         The TNFD framework is spread across these                 As a part of our NNL commitment, we have                     Our targets as change drivers
         three phases.                                             updated Biodiversity Management Plans (BMP)
                                                                   to identify impact-based risks to biodiversity.                 By 2024                                By 2025                           By 2030
         We apply the UN Environment Programme's
         Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool                   Tools like IBAT or STAR are used to identify
         (IBAT) or Species Threat Abatement and                    priority sites where Nature-business interfaces                 •  Finalise actions and                •  These initiatives              •  Undertaken to
         Restoration (STAR) metric to screen for risk,             occur, and to also mark out of other sensitive                    timelines to reach the                 would                             plant 7 million
         identify priority sites where Nature and                  habitats, important bird areas and key                            No Net Loss state                      contribute to                     trees as a part of
         business interface, followed by site-specific             biodiversity hot spots. This information is then                •  Kickstart relevant                    the national goal                 the World
         assessments to identify sensitive habitats,               used in the BMP design. Standard actions are                      actions that will lead                 of increasing                     Economic
         important bird areas and key biodiversity hot             then aligned as per the mitigation hierarchy. At                  to the achievement of                  green cover, and                  Forum's '1 trillion
         spots. The results that emerge from such                  the first level, operations aim for avoidance and                 this goal                              foster the the                    trees' campaign.
         extensive risk screening activities and                   minimization of impacts to biodiversity and                                                              UN decade
         assessments are used for updating                         ecosystems, planned eco-restoration                             •  Take action to                        (2021–2030) on
         Biodiversity Management Plans (BMPs) for all              interventions in areas of impact, and balancing                   mitigate operational                   ecosystem
         our main sites.                                           of any remaining impacts by designing                             impacts on                             restoration.
                                                                   biodiversity conservation projects (or offsets).                  biodiversity
         Vedanta actively participates in the India                Finally, the aim is to go beyond NNL through the
         Business & Biodiversity Initiative. HZL                   implementation of measures to conserve and                      •  Compensate for
         engages in IUCN's Leaders for Nature                      restore biodiversity elsewhere, and to claim                      biodiversity impacts
         programme, while Zinc International works                 these as offsets, ensuring overall positive                       of our operations by
         with IUCN to ensure strict adherence to the               biodiversity impact for our operations. This is                   implementing
         No Net Loss principles at Gamsberg,                       the crux of our roadmap for achieve Net                           comprehensive
         situated within the Karoo Biosphere Reserve               Positive Impact.                                                  ecological restoration
         in South Africa.                                                                                                            programme

                                                                   Our Commitment
         Base-lining biodiversity and preparing for
         NNL/NPI                                                   •  Committed to achieving No-Net
                                                                      Loss at our project operations by                         See appendix for our IUCN red list
         To systematically address the issue of
         biodiversity conservation and long-term                      implementing the mitigation
         rehabilitation and reinstatement of our                      hierarchy of avoiding, minimising,
         mines, it is very important to have a baseline               and restoring the direct impacts
         reference of biodiversity conditions. This                   and offsetting the residual impacts.
         was accomplished this year, with the
         establishment of the biodiversity baseline                •  Achieving Net Positive Impact for
         for our sites. This has helped us understand                 those sites that are designated as
         the impact of our operations on biodiversity                 Critical Habitats.
         and determine the nature of actions to be
         taken to achieve No Net Loss (NNL)/Net                    •  Committed to including a
         Positive Impact (NPI) over the long term.                    nature-based solution approach in

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