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 Pilot on red mud utilization raises hopes for carbon-light road construction  Sustainable sodium sulphate management helps in cost reduction and waste valorization

 Utilizing the waste that we produce,   construction material and structural filler,   Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) is the country’s   internally generated Na SO  salts now opened up
 which varies from low to high levels   was explored. The study has been   largest zinc producer and operates several large   a whole new vista of opportunity as they could be
 of toxicity, in a manner that is   completed and further evaluation is   smelters. The zinc production process consists   used as a replacement for the commercially
 productive and with neutral impact   awaited.  of various stages and different techniques are   procured ones. The substitution would not only
 on the environment, is an ongoing   used as per the output desired. Roasting and   help to cut down on operational costs, it would
 priority for us. We regularly   If pilot trials prove successful, the   leaching are two constituent processes of zinc   significantly further the waste-to-wealth objective
 collaborate with institutions and   potential for utilization of red mud in road   production, with the removal of iron being an   that underpins every aspect of our manufacturing
 organizations that are working on   construction could reach 1.5 MMT per   essential part of the production cycle. The   operations. Another crucial advantage was the
 allied objectives. Bayer process,   year. This would not only address the   jarosite process is the most widely used route for   substantial reduction in hazardous waste storage
 which is used for refining bauxite to   environmental issues associated with   removing iron elements from zinc, and it is   and maintenance costs. The prospect of
 produce alumina, generates   red mud accumulation but also provide a   deployed in our smelters, with jarosite emerging   substituting the commercial procured Na SO
 approximately 3 million metric   sustainable alternative for road   as the waste byproduct. Our 92000   crystals with the internally generated ones carried
 tonnes (MMT) of red mud annually,   construction materials. Achieving the   tonnes-smelter at Debari, near Udaipur in   a potential for 50% replacement, which meant a
 posing a significant environmental   nation’s growth ambitions in a   Rajasthan, is a hydrometallurgical zinc smelter   sharp increase in the internal production of these
 hazard in terms of soil and water   carbon-neutral way is essential if India is   and produces High Grade (HG) zinc. In FY   salts. This would parallelly reduce the volume of
 toxicity. Additionally, at our sites   to meet its Net Zero commitments and   2022-23, this plant faced a problem as it   hazardous waste that we are liable to manage,
 there is pre-existing accumulation of   through our ‘Transforming Together’   witnessed a cost escalation in the zinc sulfide   handle and store as per Hazardous Waste
 around 20 MMT of red mud, which   focus we are collaborating in making this   detector (ZSD) process due to the rising prices   Management Rules, 2016. Clearly there were
 further exacerbates the   possible.  of commercial sodium sulphate (Na SO ) which   several high-impact gains that would originate
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 environmental risk.  was used in the Jarosite precipitation stage. The   from this waste valorization initiative.
 ZSD plant uses nearly 12 -13 MT/day of Na SO .
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 Meanwhile for construction of roads,   Clearly, a cost-effective alternative had to be   The following steps were involved before a
 materials like soil and aggregate   found else profitability would be significantly   full-fledged transition to in-house Na SO
 materials are traditionally used. Due   affected.   crystals-based Jarosite precipitation could be
 to the high demand for such                        done.
 materials from the construction   Though the challenge pertained to operating   •  First, a study was conducted to assess the
 sector, soil and its aggregates are   costs, the Plant Operations team decided to take   quality of the internally produced Na SO
 now severely depleted, and there is a   a comprehensive approach that would address   crystals and their suitability for use in the
 need for finding viable alternatives.   other priorities too. The Debari smelter has a   Jarosite precipitation process.
 To address these different   3000 KLD Zero Liquid Discharge plant for
 challenges, Vedanta was recently   treatment of effluents. The ZLD plant helps to   •  Next, experimental trials were carried out to
 involved in a laboratory-scale study   meet our zero-waste objective. Further, the   verify the efficacy of Jarosite precipitation with
 conducted by the CSIR-CRRI   sludge generated from the treatment goes   these crystals.
 (Central Road Research Institute)   through a crystallization process, and Na SO    •  Plant trials were then initiated to validate the
 under which the potential application   crystals are generated as a byproduct. These   findings on a larger scale.
 of red mud as an alternative

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