Page 69 - Catalysing Chemicals WIP (Version 2.0) FINAL ARTWORK.cdr
P. 69
The 5S of Chemical
Safe Manufacturing
Chemical manufacturers have the firefighting systems, train human
responsibility of identifying the resources to handle emergencies
hazards of their products and and conduct regular mock drills.
communicating it not only to their
employees but also along the entire Chemical companies constantly
value chain upto their customers. upgrade product safety features to
Products manufactured by chemical ensure that manufacturing remains
companies contribute to improved safe downstream as well. Going
safety in several industries. beyond the regulatory mandate and
customer requirements, they ensure
Chemical companies are well product packaging and labelling
aware of the hazards of deploying match international guidelines.
untrained manpower. They regularly They undertake continuous research
conduct Safety Training and to update the product’s health and
Awareness workshops and safety safety information in form of
talks before allocating them to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
specific operations. Often
management and operators work Indian Chemical companies comply
together to identify hazards and with national and international
design safe processes. Guidelines for product safety standards such as
product handling are defined for the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and restriction of
entire product life cycle and safety
measures are incorporated into Chemicals (REACH), Feed Additives
products at the design stage.Fire and Premixtures Quality System
being a major hazard, chemical (FAMI-QS), Good Manufacturing
companies establish elaborate Practices (GMP), etc.
Sustainable Manufacturing
Chemical companies are focused on Chemical Companies in India are
responsible manufacturing, ensuring embracing lifecycle thinking in their
safety & health of employees and the manufacturing practices. Their
communities they serve. Chemical facilities are focused on reducing
companies are cognizant of the fuel and power consumption. In
impact that their products can make pursuance of a circular economy
on society, consumers, environment, they enable the three R’s – Reduce,
manufacturers, transporters. Recycle, Reuse not only in their own
Therefore, several have set processes but also for other
themselves the goal of reducing the industries. Chemical companies
impact of their products, across the endeavor to reduce generation of
life cycle by adopting sustainable waste and ensure recycling of
manufacturing practices. industrial and sewage effluents.
Photo Credit : BASF