Page 71 - Catalysing Chemicals WIP (Version 2.0) FINAL ARTWORK.cdr
P. 71
Safe Transportation
In India chemical companies spend towards safe transportation, have
about 10 to 11% of their revenues as launched the “Nicer Globe” initiative.
logistics cost; this is almost double It is fostering collaboration on
of what companies in developed transport distribution safety,
economies spend. Inadequate emergency response and transport
infrastructure, need to adopt multi- security. It also routinely evaluates
modal transportation, pilferage and and improves transport safety
theft contribute to this high cost. capabilities while sharing the best-
Absence of guidelines for storage practices in the industry.
and transportation of dangerous
goods only enhance this cost further. Several of Chemical Sector
With chemical manufacturers Associations such as the Chlor
expanding their scale and size of Alkali manufacturers or the Bromine
operations, there is increased manufacturers have set up voluntary
global trade in chemicals. Which Emergency Response Centers. Under
also translates into increased this initiative, ERCs have been set
transportation of chemicals. up across the country to respond
to an emergency/road accident
Chemical companies in India have within 200 km radium. The trained
systems and processes that drive personnel located at the closed
safe transportation. In addition, ERC, responds when an emergency
Indian Chemical companies, being occurs.
cognizant of their responsibility
Dow India :
Pioneering Safe Transport
With ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) standards as the minimum requirement,
globally Dow had introduced ADR (Accord européenrelatif au transport international des marchandises
Dangereuses par Route) certified tankers for chemical movement. In 2006, when the company came to
India, they realized that ADR tankers were not available in the country. They took the lead in
collaborating with Indian transport service providers to introduce several ISO and ADR certified
tankers from Europe.
With a minimal use of drums, the ADR tankers meant higher safety for the labor andno handling losses.
Being equipped with tracking mechanisms, these tankers could be easily tracked in case of an accident.
Tanker drivers were also trained to deal with emergencies like leakage, or damage to the vehicle due to
an accident.
It was also an eco-friendly choice, doing away with the need for drum disposal. Thus, the ISO / ADR
container became the very first link of the safety oriented Dow delivery method, one that other
chemical companies in India were quick to follow. Dow also began to move these containers by rail,
making delivery safer and faster.
Chemistry Everywhere 67
In Pursuit of Sustainable Development