Page 68 - Catalysing Chemicals WIP (Version 2.0) FINAL ARTWORK.cdr
P. 68

Growing Responsibly

                                The US Academy of Engineering     research in catalytic green processes
                                outlined 14 “Grand Challenges” for the   such as renewable energy, water
                                21st Century including advancing   splitting, hydrogen production, bio
                                health informatics; engineering better   mass conversion and many more.
                                medicines, making solar energy more
                                                                  Globally, the chemical sector is
                                affordable; providing access to clean
                                water; providing clean energy from   contributing to the United Nations
                                fusion; developing new methods of   Environment Program through two
                                reducing CO2 emissions and reducing   key initiatives - Responsible Care and
                                the carbon foot print and restoring   the Global Product Strategy. These are
                                and improving urban infrastructure.   being driven under the UNEP's
                                Most of these Grand Challenges will be   Strategic Approach to International
                                addressed by chemistry. Chemistry is a   Chemicals Management (SAICM) to
                                                                  ensure that by 2020 chemicals are
                                creative science essential for clean
                                technology, sustainability, prosperity   produced and used in ways that
                                and most importantly, sustainable   minimize significant adverse impacts
                                development.                      on the environment and human
                                Chemistry has always been and will
                                increasingly become an indispensable   Almost 40 Indian companies hold the
                                part of human life, accelerating   Responsible Care logo, while 120 are
                                sustainable development, controlling   signatories to the program. Under this
                                and curing diseases, increasing   program, companies are encouraged
                                agricultural productivity, solving   to adopt and pursue 6 Codes of
                                                                  management practice i.e. product
                                development challenges for nations.
                                Chemistry continues to make the   stewardship code; process safety code;
                                world a safer place. Unfortunately,   employee health & safety code;
                                chemicals, if used irresponsibly, can   pollution prevention code; emergency
                                cause adverse effects on human health   response and communication code;
                                and environmental integrity. There   and Distribution code.
                                has thus been an ever growing     Growing responsibly, chemical
                                concern about the adverse impact of   companies have aligned their business
                                chemicals on sustainable development
                                                                  goals with sustainable development
                                and human health.
                                                                  goals. Their growth objectives have
                                In a highly charged environment,   been catalyzed by safe manufacturing
                                                                  and driven by safe transportation.
                                Chemical companies across the world
                                have been ensuring that chemicals are   Partnerships with suppliers to ensure
                                used safely and responsibly. Globally,   a sustainable and ethical supply chain
                                leading chemical companies adopted   form key strategic initiatives.
                                sustainable manufacturing processes   Chemical companies have, under
                                over two decades ago. They have also   the banner of the Indian Chemicals
                                partnered customers and           Council, launched a Nicer Globe
                                governments to deliver cutting edge
                                                                  initiative. Under this initiative ICC has
                                technology and designed new       prepared codes and guidance
                                manufacturing processes to reduce   for implementation of process safety,
                                their carbon footprint.
                                                                  employee health and safety, pollution
                                                                  prevention, emergency response, and
                                Customers, both businesses as well as
                                end users, are also showing keen   product safety. Member companies not
                                interest in ecologically beneficial   only follow these codes but also train
                                products based on renewable raw   and educate stakeholders at various
                                materials. This has encouraged    “Points of Interest” such as police
                                chemical companies to step up their   stations, schools, hospitals etc.

      64   Chemistry Everywhere
           In Pursuit of Sustainable Development
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