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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021 29
Policy and advocacy large, Apraava collaborates with various external industry
bodies and think tanks to actively participate in public policy
Apraava Energy establishes a common and coherent development and in shaping regulatory guidelines. Apraava
approach amongst all its corporate functions for policy level continues to be at the forefront, contributing proactively
engagement. To responsibly articulate and take up issues towards policy discourses and interpretation through several
affecting the growth of our business and the power sector at public bodies as showcased in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Apraava Energy is a member of several public bodies
Organisation Level Of Engagement
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) • Co-chairman - CII National Committee on Power
• Member - CII National Committee on CSR
• Business Excellence Assessment
• Sustainability Award Assessment
• HR Excellence Award Assessment
Association of Power Producers (APP) Chairman
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Executive member
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Member
Wind Independent Power Producers Association (WIPPA) Member
Indian Wind Power Association (IWPA) Member
National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) Member (Executive Council)
Indian Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) Gold Knowledge Partner membership
International Solar Alliance (ISA) Corporate partner
Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) Corporate membership
The year under review was important for the Indian power climate change at the international level. Continuing with
sector given the announcement of proposed legislative tradition, Apraava Energy chaired certain important policy
changes in the Electricity Act 2003, opening of new markets, and regulatory changes on national and sub-national policies
specifically the Real Time Market (RTM), Green Term Ahead and institutions to address some of the most pressing issues
Market (GTAM) and climate action across the globe, of the Indian power sector i.e., improving the financial
particularly for preparations related to the United Nations condition of distribution utilities and promotion of clean and
Climate Change Conference in November 2021. green energy in the country. In addition, Apraava remained at
the forefront of key debates including those on climate
Apraava Energy played an important role on both the institutions, Net Zero Targets, Science-Based Targets, and
domestic and global stage, shaping debates on legislative energy transitions.
and regulatory changes within the country as well as on