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 Occupational Health and  Safety Performance
 Safety Management
 Despite our ongoing efforts to achieve the   We have identified three key levers for     Each business unit CEO is personally
 Our safety committees play a vital role in   ambitious goal of zero fatalities, in FY 2023 we   enhancing our safety performance and   responsible for specific risks, and a
 driving and assessing safety performance   regrettably experienced 13 fatalities. In   preventing fatal injuries in future.  well-defined governance structure has
 within our organization. With the objective of   response, we have conducted comprehensive   been implemented. Further, we are in
 creating a zero-harm work environment, we   investigations into each accident to identify   These are:  the process of standardizing risk
                                                                   procedures, and uniform risk-specific
 promote a safety-first culture where every   the root cause and prevent recurrence, at any   •  Critical Risk Management  practices are soon to be rolled out
 individual is responsible for workplace safety.   cost. After thorough analysis of the findings,   across all divisions of Vedanta. Risk
 All leaders are expected to exemplify the   the top three causes of fatalities have been     While our safety initiatives have   champions have been involved in the
 highest levels of safety discipline in their   identified as man-machine interaction, vehicle   successfully improved our injury rates,   design and control of these
 respective areas so that they can serve as   driving, and structural stability. Further, as a   the occurrence of fatalities are still a   risk-specific practices. Risk champions
 direct role models for those below them. In   preventive measure we have also established   big concern. To counter this, we have   are from different BUs and they base
 cases of recurring safety violations or fatal   a detailed mechanism for investigating every   introduced a comprehensive Critical   their suggestions for improvement or
 incidents, we enforce strict consequences   accident that occurs onsite. As a part of this   Risk Management (CRM) programme   new design on their in-depth
 for our management teams.  mechanism, each incident will be examined by   throughout our organization. CRM   understanding of existing controls and
 a senior leadership team member, appointed   takes a risk-based approach based on   factors contributing to fatalities.

 Regular and comprehensive training is   by the Group Executive Committee. The   proven ICMM 9-step methodology. This   Further, design workshops on four
             initiative aims to identify and evaluate
 conducted in various safety domains for all   findings and conclusions from these   critical risks, as well as measure,   different risks have already been
 levels of our workforce to ingrain a safe work   investigations will then be promptly   monitor, and report on the   completed. The complete programme
 culture. Our safety leadership actively   disseminated horizontally across all Business   effectiveness of control measures. We   is expected to be rolled out by the first
 collaborates with site in-charges and their   Units (BUs), ensuring that the lessons are   have partnered with global experts for   quarter of FY 2024, taking us closer to
 safety officers, to regularly upgrade their skill   learned quickly and disseminated effectively.   deploying this programme and it is   our zero-harm workplace goal.
 development, thereby once again, reinforcing   being run across all our BUs. Under
 a robust safety culture at our sites.  Over the past two years, our Lost Time Injury   CRM, we have identified 13 critical risks   •  Improving safety infrastructure
 Frequency Rate (LTIFR) has remained constant   across Vedanta, based on trends and     We understand the significance of
 at 0.58.  In FY 2023, the Total Recordable Injury   fatalities observed over the past 10   ensuring a secure working environment
 Frequency Rate (TRIFR) for Vedanta was 1.22,   years. For 9 out of 13 of these critical   for our staff and have made it a top
 which reflects a steady decline from the 1.44   risks, control designs have already   priority to enhance our safety
 recorded in FY 2022. This indicates a   been developed, and we have   infrastructure. Our efforts include the
 favourable decrease in the frequency of   successfully rolled out 6 critical risk   installation of designated walkways
 recorded injuries within the organization.  controls across the company with the   equipped with guiding rails, marked
             help of the external consultant team.                 roads with traffic signals, and dedicated
                                                                   lanes for ash dumpers. Our main
 BU leadership continues to emphasise on three
 focus areas:   In FY 2023, vehicle-pedestrian                     objective is to eliminate any potential
 • Visible felt leadership  segregation, man-machine interaction,   fatal injuries caused by inadequate
                                                                   safety infrastructure.
 • Safety-critical tasks   and work at heights were identified as
           three critical risk areas for work onsite.
 • Managing business partners

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