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Aim 7
Prioritising safety and health of all employees
Key Material Issues It also helps to attract and retain Promoting Safety at Every Step international best practices. The
Health, safety & well-being employees, foster positive Our Commitment to Zero Harm performance against these standards
relationships with local communities, is internally audited in keeping with the
investors, and customers. A safe Under Aim 7 our focus on occupational Vedanta Sustainability Assurance
work environment reduces health and safety is driven by the goal of Programme (VSAP).
absenteeism and improves overall establishing a zero-harm work
productivity, leading to cost savings. environment. As a mining major, we are Taking a no-compromise approach
Unsafe work conditions can fully cognizant of the inherent risks that towards our safety commitment, we
Creating a safe workplace for our employees that significantly impact productivity and, accompany the act of mining and we have also integrated the highest
promotes and safeguards their health and consequently, have a negative effect have built in processes and checks and international quality and occupational
balances within the system that can
wellbeing is the foundation for organizational on the company's reputation. identify hazards early and mitigate or health and safety parameters into our
growth and the collaborative impact that we can .Therefore, ensuring the good health remove them. Our employees are duly ways of working and control.
and safety of our workforce is of the
create on society. Maintaining a strong health and highest priority for us. trained in the risks attached to their work All our operational facilities and sites
safety record helps build trust with our employees and taught methods to act with utmost have obtained prestigious
and other allied stakeholders and strengthens our We administer our health and safety caution and care, under all conditions. certifications like ISO 45001 and
reputation as a responsible and caring employer. processes through a well-defined The implementation of Aim 7 is led by the OHSAS 18001. We are also aligned
framework of policies and processes Safety Community of Practice across the with the guidelines set forth by the
with supervisory oversight at the entire organization. International Council on Mining and
highest levels of the organization, and Metals (ICMM), whereby we not only
managerial control flowing down to In our overarching organizational vision of ensure that our operations are safe,
the functional leadership levels and ‘Transforming for Good’ the Healthy and with all proactive safeguards in place,
to the site, plant and office staff. Safety function has a central role to play but also environmentally sustainability.
Procedures for hazard and risk for a ‘sustainable’ future can only be built
management are well-defined and on the plinth of safety, health and The other aspect of our
the workforce is regularly trained on wellbeing. This long-term vision informs comprehensive safety framework are
these, along with independent audits our thinking around the Health and Safety the protocols that we observe to keep
being carried out to check function, and our constant attempt is to our practices updated with the latest
preparedness and conformance with benchmark it with the best in the world. advancements in the field of
procedures. We employ a large occupational health and safety. We do
number of contractors as a part of Our comprehensive safety framework this through regular assessments,
our regular workforce and similar integrates several aspects to ensure audits, and through dedicated
health and safety practices are top-order safety compliance and feedback mechanisms, learning from
maintained for them. performance. We have implemented of industry used cases and evolving
17 safety performance standards and 20 national and international systems.
Our ultimate goal is to keep health health and safety technical and
and safety incidents at the minimum management standards. Currently, we are All our operational facilities and sites
and to build, reinforce and maintain a in the process of updating these have ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001
very strong safety culture. standards and aligning them with