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 Details on Fatalities

 Business  Type of  Number of  Vedanta Employee/  Risk Category  Detail of the incident  Actions Taken
 Operations  Fatalities  Business Partner

 Zinc  Mine, HZL  1  Business Partner  Shaft & Hoisting  A fatal injury occurred when a rock fell from the gap between the shaft and man-cage, which   Designed and implemented hardwire interlocking to allow only
 Business  (Contractor)  hit the individual who was entering the man-cage. The rock originated from the skip, which   either skip or cage to operate at a time.
 operates within the same shaft, and the incident was a result of the skip being overfilled.

 Smelter, HZL  6  1 Employee  Structural Integrity  Catastrophic damage to the sulfuric acid tank resulted in acid splash, the leakage of sulfuric   A complete Structural Integrity review was carried out for
 5 Business Partners   acid resulted in acid burn injuries and loss of human life, as well as shutdown of the unit.  all tanks.

 Aluminium  Power Plant, Val-J  1  Business Partner  Vehicle & Driving  The silo operator was hit by the vehicle body due to the sudden movement of Hyva and came   Action has been taken to implement Integrated Traffic
 Business  (Contractor)  under rear tyre that resulted in the injury.  Management   and mobile phone ban on shopfloor.

 Steel  ESL Steel Ltd.  1  Business Partner  Confined Space  During the tare weight measurement of a cement bulker, the driver noticed the presence of   All Bulkers have been recategorized as “confined spaces”
 Business  (Contractor)  leftover cement inside the bulker. As a result, driver decided to return to the DI Plant to   ensuring that no individual is permitted to enter the tank
 unload the cement. To do so, he opened the lid to enter the bulker, as the bulker contained   without proper controls and safety measures in place.
 concentrated nitrogen used for cement unloading, the driver suffered from asphyxiation and
 lost consciousness, falling into the bulker, which is considered a confined space.

 ESL Steel Ltd.  2  Business Partner  Electrical  An electrical flashover due to testing on live busbar caused burn injuries to 4 BP engineers   Backdoor panel interlocks have been installed to prevent
 (Contractor)  involved, out of which two of them succumbed to their injuries.  inadvertent opening of panel if there is power supply present.

 FACOR  FACOR  1  Business Partner  Vehicle and   A diesel filling tipper ran over the right leg of the BP employee who was close by the vehicle   A dedicated pedestrian path has been established to ensure
 (Contractor)  driving  and the IP succumbed to his injuries.  the segregation of personnel movement. An action plan with
                                                           defined timelines has been formulated to enhance road

 FACOR  1  Business Partner  Molten Materials  IP got entrapped during severe furnace eruption where he got exposed to hot fumes and dust.  Automation of all high-risk activities of Molten Materials to
 (Contractor)                                              eliminate people in line of fire has been carried out.

 Incident Cause Analysis  Method (ICAM)   underlying causes and shortcomings. Based   organizational culture, communication   understanding the causes and circumstances
 for Safety Investigations  on their findings, recommendations are   breakdowns, inadequate procedures, pattern of   surrounding each incident. The findings and
 Vedanta views fatalities very seriously and   formulated and communicated across the   equipment failures, or training deficiencies.  analysis of causes emerging from these
 has used each such setback to   company through safety alerts.  investigations are being shared and cascaded
 progressively improve safety management.   At Vedanta, we have developed multiple ICAM   through an extensive training program, while
 Our Incident Cause Analysis Methodology   ICAM follows a holistic approach that involves   leaders across sites to investigate the fatalities   specific learnings are being disseminated
 (ICAM) comes into play immediately after a   gathering information, analysing evidence, and   that have occurred this year. Each investigation   horizontally across all BUs. Sharing of such
 fatality occurs. A cross-functional team is   identifying contributing factors to determine   has been meticulously examined by a   valuable insights and learnings can prevent
 put together after the occurrence of an   the sequence of events leading up to the   designated senior leadership team, appointed   future incidents while also fostering a culture of
 incident, and this team conducts the ICAM   incident. The method emphasizes the need to   by the esteemed Group Executive Committee.   continuous improvement and heightened
 investigation on-site to identify the   look beyond immediate causes and uncover   Their collective expertise and insights have   awareness within the organization.
 deeper underlying factors such as   played a pivotal role in comprehensively

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