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  Cross Business Audit Programme

 At Vedanta, we are trying to build a highly   Vedanta’s leadership has   This organization-wide programme has been   More than 2,500 employees and business
 evolved safety culture that is   undertaken the SMRITI Initiative,   initiated to enhance the dissemination of   partners have completed the training on
 well-entrenched and also dynamic and   as a dedicated effort to revisit   learnings and facilitate the sharing of best   five Critical Safety Standards. In Phase 2, 6
 adaptable. The organization is working   and reflect upon the lessons   practices horizontally. Approximately 25   additional modules will be launched. The
 together – from senior leadership, and   internal auditors from Vedanta sites have   modules will also be made available in the
 onsite management, to our workers and   learned from incidents that have   received training from the British Safety   regional language for business partners. By
 partners – to help improve and evolve our   resulted in fatalities.  Council. The audit methodology and   utilizing Enablon, we can thoroughly analyse
 safety practices and to learn from past   comprehensive check sheets have been   incidents, gaining significant insights into
 incidents to build a safer future for all. To   By revisiting these tragic   developed taking into account the critical risks   vulnerable areas at our sites and identifying
 become a sustainable and safe business,   incidents and their underlying   identified at the Business Unit level.  underlying causes that require attention.
 this is the only way forward.                                  This data-driven approach enables us to
 causes, the CEO actively   Driving Safety through Digitalisation

 Forum with Group CEO: Empowering   initiates discussions and sets   make informed decisions for improvement.
                                                                Enablon analytical capabilities allows the
 Dialogue: Engaging with Leaders  into motion activities that aim at   We have successfully implemented the   examination of historical data, helping us to
  Enablon platform, which is a leading integrated
 We have recently introduced Group CEO   recalling the circumstances of   software solution for effective risk   verify our analysis against past trends and
 townhalls, providing a monthly opportunity   these incidents, their causes,   management. This implementation will   further enhance our understanding of
 for the CEO to engage with the HSE teams.   associated learnings, and ways   significantly support the management of our   incidents, leading to more effective
 This platform serves as a valuable space   of prevention.  safety performance, helping to mitigate risks,   decision-making.
 for individuals to directly communicate with   and enhance data analytics for swifter and
 senior leaders, sharing their perspectives
 and obtaining senior management insights   more effective decision-making. By utilizing   Based on last 10 years’ data, we have
 on safety matters. Within these townhalls,   Enablon, we can ensure transparent reporting,   developed a matrix of recommendations
 we recognize and celebrate Safety Heroes   thereby facilitating a culture of continuous   specifically addressing considerations for
 from both our employees and business   improvement within our organization.  infrastructure development and engineering
 partners, acknowledging their exceptional                      controls. This matrix helps to prioritize on
 commitment to promoting safety.                                improvement areas so that the most
   Our subsidiary, BALCO has                                    pressing safety measures can be
   successfully introduced a digital                            implemented, and future incidents
   solution that guarantees complete                            prevented. It also serves as a tracking
                                                                mechanism, highlighting all those areas
   safety compliance on the shop floor                          where improvements are necessary. The
   by employing pre-trained Artificial                          matrix is now a mandatory aid for safety

   Intelligence (AI) models. This initiative                    infrastructure creation, enhancement, and
 Safety KPIs are incorporated   involves the continuous monitoring of   refurbishment. Sites will have to comply with
 into the perfiormance   unsafe activities through a network of   its recommendations as per a time-bound
 management of all employees,   cameras, with real-time data being fed   action plan. Third-party verification will be
 incentivizing safe behaviour and   into a centralized AI data lake. The   carried out once 100% compliance has
 proactive risk management.                                     been reached.
   project provides comprehensive
   coverage, particularly in challenging
   or inaccessible areas, thereby
   ensuring safer work environments

   with 360-degree monitoring.

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