Page 51 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021  51

            Apraava Energy’s Procurement
            Policy Framework

            Apraava Energy designs fit-for-purpose sourcing strategies        in terms of business ethics derived from the CLP Group's
            to select suppliers who are best suited to meet requirements     procurement policy framework.
            and deliver most value. Supplier selections are typically
            conducted through competitive tendering processes.               All procurement commitments made are in adherence with
            Apraava Energy’s contract terms and conditions outline           Apraava Energy’s Company Management Authority Manuals
            specific project sustainability requirements and expectations     (CMAM), and must comply with Company policies, which include:

                                                                                    CLP Group's
                                                     CLP Group's                    Responsible                 Operating Procedures
                                                  procurement values             Procurement Policy             (SOPs) which set out
                                                                                                                  procedures to be
                     CLP Group's                 and principles which            Statement (RePPS)              followed by the staff
                       value                        highlight the                which highlights the            of Apraava Energy
                     framework                   procurement mission,               Company's
                                                    governance,                   requirements and             Group of Companies in
                                                   commitment and                   expectations                  their conduct of
                                                     strategies                   vis-à-vis suppliers            operations for the

            Assessing Supplier Performance                                   expects them to adopt similar standards when doing
                                                                             business with us. Considering the evolving stage of suppliers’
            Effective supply chain management helps us in conserving         maturity with respect to RePPS, over the past few years,
            resources, reducing costs and increasing productivity of         Apraava Energy has been gathering information from
            operations. As part of our supplier relationship                 suppliers through questionnaires on various elements of
            management, we review past performance, future business          RePPS and creating a data repository.
            needs, as well as technology and innovation roadmaps with
            suppliers. While suppliers’ performance is measured under a      Impact of Covid-19
            structured framework, they are also invited to provide
            feedback for bringing about continuous two-way                   In the recent past, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe
            improvement in the long run.                                     impact on global supply chains and Apraava Energy too has
                                                                             been impacted. To overcome this challenge, we have
            Apraava Energy encourages suppliers to abide by principles       focused our energies on identifying potential risks and
            stated in RePPS, as highlighted in the data below, and           mitigation plans to ensure business continuity.
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