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Human Rights
Given the nature of our industry, human rights Cultural Rights (ICESCR), International Bill of standards as well as applicable been developed in reference to the International
assume great significance. We are sensitive to the Rights, and ILO. We report on the potential impact statutory requirements concerning Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance
need for following high standards of human rights of our operations on human rights and outline business integrity, labour and human Standards and International Council on Mining
within our business and are dedicated to our methods for recognizing and minimizing rights, health, safety and environment and Metals (ICMM) guidelines.
safeguarding these rights throughout our value associated risks. In 2023, Vedanta initiated the
chain. Human dignity and the dignity of work is well revision of our Social Performance Standard,
aligned with our core values and central to the encompassing human rights prerequisites. This Human Rights Training 81%
vision. Vedanta’s reputation and relationships with move facilitates collaboration with our Annual training programmes are held to
employees, local communities, suppliers, stakeholders to further advance our commitment acquaint employees and contractual People trained on
customers, investors, governments, is directly to upholding human rights.Further, we are a workers with our Human Rights policy Human Rights
influenced by our human rights actions. member of the United Nations Global Compact and Code of Business Conduct and
and abide by its 10 principles. Ethics. This is to make our employees
Violations of human rights can lead to reputational and contractual workers aware of their
damage, legal disputes, and strained relationships. By articulating our human rights approach in an rights and responsibilities and ways of
On the other hand, when we respect human rights, inclusive way, the policy also serves as a recourse in case of infringement of 818
uphold the dignity of labor, ensure fair treatment guidance on issues pertaining to labour rights rights. The trainings are also aligned Suppliers Assessed
for our workforce, and provide a safe and secure and industrial elations, and aids strategic with our guidance notes, which have
working environment, we foster trust, cultivate a decision-making.
social license to operate, and establish a
foundation for sustainable business practices. Our pursuit of being the gold standard for
workforce-focused policy development does not
Upholding high values through our Human end here. We also take cognizance of the Modern Human Rights Due Diligence Process This exercise covers our own operations, our
Rights Policy and Code of Conduct Slavery Act, and have been complying with the To minimize the risk of human rights value chain and other activities related to our
infringements, we conduct a
business. Human Rights due-diligence is an
Vedanta’s core value of Respect finds reflection in Modern Slavery Act (UK) or MSA since 2016. We company-wide due diligence exercise integral part of our risk assessment process
our approach to human rights. Driven by the conduct periodic and systematic updates and bi-annually to systematically identify when acquiring new business relations(of
objective of setting an industry benchmark in the audits to ensure that our vendors and supply potential human rights risks and their entities that are part of the Group by virtue of
area of human rights, the policy was updated in chain are entirely free of slave labour. Each of our likely fallout. mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures etc.).
2023 and is recognized and applied across the vendors and suppliers are mandated to provide a
company. The 2023 update was developed in MSA self-declaration.
consultation with external and internal experts,
reviewed by the Company's HSES and ESG Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Tracking and communicating Integrating findings
ManCom's respectively and members of Vedanta's (COBE) is aligned with all relevant national laws performance and potential impacts
Senior Management Team, and approved by and regulations. Every year, all employees and
Vedanta's Board of Directors. Vedanta business partners have to give a positive
incorporates human rights considerations into its affirmation that they continue to adhere to the Assessment of actual
strategies for social management, environmental requirements of COBE. Additionally, COBE is a and potential impacts
management, health and safety, security, and mandatory part of our contract agreeements and (i.e. human rights risk
Our effective
human resources. Our policy adheres to the our business partners have to abide by the as Remediation of human rights due assessment)
United Nations Declaration on Human Rights, UN well. adverse impacts diligence process
Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights Commitment to
(the Ruggie Principles), Universal Declaration of Our Supplier Code of Conduct helps ensure that Vedanta Human Rights
Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant all third parties, including their employees, agents & Labor Rights Policy
on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and the and representatives who have a business
International Covenant on Economic, Social, and relationship with Vedanta, are bound by industry