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Resettlement and Land Acquisition
At the start of a new project, 1 Restoring Lives and Communities: Vedanta's commitment to Resettlement and Rehabilitation in Lanjigarh
land acquisition and
resettlement are two critical Minimizing the
activities that require sensitive acquisition of land
handling of community 2
concerns and expectations. Disclosure of
Resettlement is done in those displacement
cases where communities are eligibility and
in close proximity to the mines 3 entitlements At our Lanjigarh facility, we have been working to improve their lives as they gain new skills that
or operational sites and are at resettle and rehabilitate 261 families that have can help them create a better future.
risk of adverse impact. Identification of been displaced due to our project-related
Project Affected activities. The resettlement and rehabilitation
People (PAP)
Vedanta follows a well-defined 4 Grievance Redressals has been meticulously planned over several
Technical Standard for Land years, under the guidance of the Government of
and Resettlement Development of Odisha. New housing, employment opportunities
Management and Grievance Livelihood Restoration for each household, and compensation for the Resettle and rehabilitated
Mechanism, to facilitate & Resettlement Action land/crops affected, has been agreed on, with
cohesive handling of 5 Plans the whole process being carried out in 261 families
project-affected communities' accordance with our Land Acquisition &
physical and economic Implementation & Resettlement standard. Site teams have
resettlement. Comprehensive Monitoring of plan provided alternative homestead lands,
socio-economic and homebuilding assistance, employment
environmental impact
assessments are done to We acknowledge the potential human opportunities, and cash payments in lieu of
guide our actions and impacts of resettlement as: employment. A total investment on INR
minimize biodiversity-related • Loss of productive land 130,720,000,000 is being made that includes
impacts. Throughout the payments for land purchase, Resettlement
course of these exercises, we • Loss of employment and income colony construction, R&R package, R&R
actively engage with the • Loss of housing subsistence allowance, trainee stipends, and
communities to understand skill-development training. Additionally, `45.60
and manage their concerns • Loss of access to common resources and million has been allocated for ongoing skill
and expectations and to be public services development training. These efforts
just and fair in our handling of • Social fragmentation demonstrate Vedanta's commitment towards
the transition. providing fair compensation to those affected by
The human aspects of displacement involve our business activities, and the involvement that
movement from an individual’s home and
familiar environs to a resettlement location. we have in their proper resettlement and
This is a consideration under Vedanta's rehabilitation so that these families and large
Cultural Heritage Land Acquisition and communities are not disadvantaged. Rather they
Resettlement Standards, and is used as a can leverage the changed circumstances to
Guidance Note for all our operations to better
understand and handle such aspects.