Page 273 - 1-37
P. 273


 Omission  Section                                          Omission                Section
 Reference  Disclosure  Requirements  Reason  Reference  Disclosure  Requirements  Reason
 No.  omitted  No.                          omitted

 2-19  Remuneration policies  Vedanta Sustainability   2-27  Compliance with laws   Compliance, Audits and Controls,
 Assurance Process (VSAP),   and regulations                                        Pg 105
 Pg 19
                                                                                    Environmental Violations, Pg 126
 Integrated annual report                                                           Integrated annual report 2022-23,
 FY 23, Pg. 85, 186-187,                                                            Pg. 197
 359, 413, 536-537,
 2-20  Process to determine   Integrated annual report FY   2-28  Membership        Organisation and
 remuneration  23, Pg. 186-187, 257-258  associations                               Membership, Pg 105

         2-29         Approach to stakeholder                                       Knowing our
                      engagement                                                    stakeholders, Pg 24-26
 2-21  Annual total   Integrated annual report
 compensation ratio  FY 23, Pg. 313
         2-30         Collective bargaining                                         Right to Freedom of
                      agreements                                                    Association, Pg 46
 2-22  Statement on   In Conversation with the
 sustainable   Group CEO & Chief Safety
 development strategy  Officer, Pg 11  3-1  Process to determine                    Stakeholder Engagement, Pg 24-26
                      material topics                                               Approach to Materiality
                                                                                    Assessment, Pg 27-30
 2-23  Policy commitments  Upholding integrity and
 accountability through policy
 infrastructure, Pg. 99  3-2  List of material                                      Approach to Materiality
 Policy Advocacy, Pg 105  topics                                                    Assessment, Pg 28
 Code of Business Conduct
 and Ethics,  201-1   Direct economic value                                         Vedanta TTR FY 23, Pg. 11
                      generated and
 Vedanta Policies & Practices,  distributed
 Vedanta Sustainability
 Framework  201-2     Financial implications                                        Vedanta TCFD Report FY
                      and other risks and                                           23, Pg 13-25
 2-24  Embedding policy   Upholding integrity and   opportunities due to
 commitments  accountability through policy   climate change
 infrastructure, Pg. 99
 Policy Advocacy, Pg 105  201-3  Defined benefit plan                               Integrated annual report
                      obligations and other                                         FY 23, Pg.412-414
 Code of Business Conduct   retirement plans
 and Ethics,
 Vedanta Policies & Practices,
         201-4        Financial assistance                                          We do not receive any
 Vedanta Sustainability   received from                                             financial assistance
 Framework            government                                                    from government

 2-25  Processes to   Risk Management and
 remediate negative   Controls, Pg 103-105  203-1  Infrastructure                   Aim 2
 impacts              investments and                                               Empowering over 2.5 million
 Compliance Management,  services supported                                         families with enhanced skillsets
 Stakeholder Engagement,                                                            Aim 3
 Grievance Mechanisms                                                               Uplifting over 100 million women
                                                                                    and children through education,
                                                                                    nutrition, healthcare and welfare,
 2-26  Mechanisms for   Reporting concerns,                                         Pg 49-51
 seeking advice and   Pg 99-100                                                     CSR Spend, Pg 127
 raising concerns

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