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GRI Content Index
Omission Section Omission Section
Reference Disclosure Requirements Reason Reference Disclosure Requirements Reason
No. omitted No. omitted
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021
2-9 Governance structure Aim 9: Adhere to global
and composition business standards of
2-1 Organizational details Vedanta at a Glance, Pg. 13 corporate governance,
Pg. 98-99
2-2 Entities included in the About this Report, Pg. 6-7 Sustainability Governance,
organization’s Pg 17-18
sustainability reporting Integrated annual report
FY 23, Pg. 238-245, 253
2-3 Reporting period, About this Report, Pg. 6-8
frequency and contact Integrated Annual Report 2-10 Nomination and Integrated annual report
point FY 2022-23 published on selection of the highest FY 23, Pg. 257-258
19th June 2023 governance body
2-11 Chair of the highest Sustainability Governance,
governance body Pg 17-18
2-4 Restatements of Restatement of Integrated annual report
information Information, Pg. 8
FY 23, Pg. 243
2-12 Role of the highest Sustainability Governance,
governance body in Pg. 17-18
2-5 External assurance Data Compilation overseeing the
Methodology and management of Integrated annual report FY
Assurance, Pg. 8 impacts 23, Pg. 262-263
Independent Assurance
Statement, Pg. 145-147
2-13 Delegation of Sustainability Governance,
responsibility for Pg. 17-18
managing impacts
2-6 Activities, value chain Products and Production, ESG Risk Governance,
Pg 103-104
and other business Pg.14
relationships Integrated annual report Integrated annual report
FY 23, Pg. 292 FY 23, Pg. 262-263
2-14 Role of the highest Sustainability Governance,
2-7 Employees Workforce Breakdown, governance body in Pg. 17-18
Pg. 130 sustainability reporting Integrated annual report FY
Integrated annual report 23, Pg. 262-263
FY 23, Pg. 292
2-15 Conflicts of interest Integrated annual report FY
23, Pg. 248, 257, 302-303
2-8 Workers who are not Workforce Breakdown,
employees Pg. 130 2-16 Communication of Integrated annual report
Integrated annual report FY critical concerns FY 23, Pg. 310-312
23, Pg. 292
2-17 Collective knowledge Integrated annual report
of the highest FY 23, Pg.242, 247
governance body
2-18 Evaluation of the Integrated annual report
performance of the FY 23, Pg.249-250
highest governance body