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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES            THE PLANET        THE WORKPLACE

                                                             Omission                     Section                                                                                   Omission                     Section
           Reference    Disclosure           Requirements           Reason                                                        Reference    Disclosure           Requirements           Reason
              No.                            omitted                                                                                 No.                            omitted

                                                                                                                                Tailings Management
          305-6         Emissions of                                                      Our operations do not
                        ozone-depleting                                                   emit ozone depleting
                        substances (ODS)                                                  substances                             3-3           Management of                                                     Tailings Management,
                                                                                                                                               material topics                                                   Pg. 73-74

          305-7         Nitrogen oxides (NOx),                                            Air Emissions, Pg 120-121              G4-MM3        Total amounts of                                                  Tailings Risk Potential
                        sulfur oxides (SOx),                                                                                                   overburden, rock,                                                 FY 2023, Pg 74
                        and other significant                                                                                                  tailings and sludges
                        air emissions                                                                                                          and their associated

          11.2.4        Reporting on climate                                              Vedanta TCFD Report
                        adaptation, resilience,                                           FY 23
                        and transition                                                                                          Supplier Environmental Assessment

                                                                                                                                 308-1         New suppliers that                                                Supply Chain
                                                                                                                                               were screened using                                               Management, Pg 106-107
                                                                                                                                               environmental criteria                                            Supply Chain, Pg 134-135

          3-3           Management of                                                     Waste Management,                      308-2         Negative                                                          Supply Chain
                        material topics                                                   Pg. 68-70
                                                                                                                                               environmental                                                     Management, Pg 106-107
                                                                                                                                               impacts in the
          306-1         Waste generation                                                  Waste Management,                                    supply chain and                                                  Supply Chain, Pg 134-135
                        and significant                                                   Pg. 68-70                                            actions taken
                        waste-related impacts

          306-2         Management of                                                     Waste Management,
                        significant                                                       Pg. 68-70                             Employment
                        waste-related impacts
                                                                                                                                 401-1         New employee hires                                                Human Capital,
          306-3         Waste generated                                                   Hazardous Waste, Pg 69                               and employee turnover                                             Pg 130-131
                                                                                          HVLT Waste Disposal,
                                                                                          Mineral Waste Disposal,
                                                                                          Pg 70
                                                                                          Hazardous Waste Generated,             401-2         Benefits provided to                                              Employee Benefits,
                                                                                          Recycled and disposed, Pg                            full-time employees                                               Pg 114
                                                                                          126                                                  that are not provided                                             Integrated annual report
                                                                                                                                               to temporary or                                                   2022-23, Pg. 536-539
                                                                                                                                               part-time employees
          306-4         Waste diverted from                                               HVLT Waste Disposal,
                        disposal                                                          Mineral Waste Disposal,
                                                                                          Pg 70                                  401-3         Parental leave                                                    Paid Parental Leaves,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pg 95
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Integrated annual report
          306-5         Waste directed to                                                 HVLT Waste Disposal,                                                                                                   2022-23, Pg. 306
                        disposal                                                          Mineral Waste Disposal,
                                                                                          Pg 70

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