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 Omission  Section                                           Omission                     Section
 Reference  Disclosure  Requirements  Reason  Reference  Disclosure  Requirements  Reason
 No.  omitted  No.                           omitted

          403-4         Worker participation,                                             Safety Performance, Pg
 Labour/Management Relations  consultation, and                                           89-90
                        communication on                                                  Vedanta Safety Standards
 3-3  Management of   Human Rights, Pg 44-47  occupational health
 Material Topics        and safety                                                        Integrated annual report
                                                                                          2022-23, Pg.307-310
 402-1  Minimum notice   Employee level M3 or
 periods regarding   below: 8 weeks  403-5  Worker training on                            Employee and Business
 operational changes  Employee level M2 above:   occupational health                      Partner Training, Pg 87
 12 weeks               and safety                                                        Integrated annual report
                                                                                          2022-23, Pg.43, 79, 307

 Occupational Health and Safety
          403-6         Promotion of worker                                               Safety Performance,
 3-3  Management of   Our commitment to zero   health                                     Pg 89-90
 material topics  harm, Pg 85                                                             Integrated annual report
                                                                                          2022-23, Pg.307-310
 403-1  Occupational health   Aim 7: Prioritising safety
 and safety   and health of all   403-7  Prevention and                                   Safety Performance,
 management system  employees, Pg. 85-87  mitigation of                                   Pg 86-90
                        occupational health
 Integrated annual report   and safety impacts                                            Integrated annual report
 2022-23, Pg.307-310    directly linked by                                                2022-23, Pg.307-310
 Vedanta Safety Standards  business relationships                                         Vedanta Corrective and
                                                                                          Preventive Action
 403-2  Hazard identification,   Safety Performance, Pg
 risk assessment, and   86-87
 incident investigation  403-8  Workers covered by an                                     Integrated annual report
 Incident cause analysis   occupational health and                                        2022-23, Pg. 307-310
 method (ICAM) for safety   safety management
 investigations, Pg 88  system
 Integrated annual report
 2022-23, Pg.307-310  403-9  Work-related injuries                                        Safety Performance,
 Vedanta Safety Standards                                                                 Pg 87
 Vedanta Incident                                                                         Integrated annual report
 Reporting Standard                                                                       2022-23, Pg. 307-310
                                                                                          Safety Performance,
                                                                                          Pg 130
 403-3  Occupational health   Safety Performance, Pg
 services  86-87
          403-10        Work-related ill health                                           Safety Performance, Pg 87
 Integrated annual report
 2022-23, Pg.307-310                                                                      Integrated annual report
                                                                                          2022-23, Pg. 307-310
                                                                                          Safety Performance, Pg 130

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