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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES            THE PLANET        THE WORKPLACE

         Third-party certifications and assessments are also conducted twice a year.                                       Incident Reporting                                         Escalation Process
                                                                                                                           Security incidents are addressed by                        Vedanta diligently tracks and monitors all
            Certification/Assessment                         Service provider                                              diligent tracking and monitoring until                     security incidents, ensuring they are
                                                                                                                           resolution. A comprehensive root cause                     thoroughly investigated, and actions are
            Internal Vulnerability Assessment and            Information Security Function through a                       analysis is conducted, and action plans are                taken for their resolution. To encourage
            Penetrating Testing (VAPT) Program, including    third-party expert agency
            stimulated hacker attacks                                                                                      developed to mitigate future incidents. We                 reporting, Vedanta's BUs have established
                                                                                                                           have a well-defined Incident Management                    a central email address:,,
            External Vulnerability Assessment and            Group Management Assurance System                             & Data Breach Policy communicated to all                   where users can report any suspicious
            Penetrating Testing (VAPT) Assessment            (through Third-Party Expert Agency)                           stakeholders. To facilitate incident                       activities related to Information Security.
                                                                                                                           reporting, Vedanta has a centralised email                 Reported incidents undergo investigation
            ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 31000,                 Surveillance audit conducted through an
            and ISO 27701                                    audit partner                                                 address for reporting suspicious activities                by the Chief Information Security Officer
                                                                                                                           related to information security.                           (CISO), and appropriate measures are
                                                                                                                                                                                      implemented to address each incident.
         Awareness and Capacity Building                         Lessons learned from these simulations                    Incidents are generated through various                    Incidents reported through the Security

         As part of the onboarding process, all                  are shared with the users, while individuals              channels, including 24/7 monitoring of                     Information and Event Management (SIEM)
                                                                                                                           critical IT assets, daily monitoring of data
                                                                                                                                                                                      system by employees and end users are
         new joiners at Vedanta are required to                  who fall prey to the simulations are required             movement using data leakage prevention                     evaluated by the BU’s CISO and further
         attend mandatory cybersecurity training                 to undergo specific phishing training                     tools, incident reports from end users, and                reviewed by the BU’s Chief Information
         to ensure their awareness and                           videos for further learning.                              internal security organisation observations.               Officer (CIO). Data incidents reported
         understanding of security protocols.                    Performance Evaluation and Reporting                                                                                 through Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
         100% of our employees are trained on                                                                              Each reported incident is thoroughly                       systems and by end users are evaluated by
         cybersecurity. In addition, an Online                   Each employee in the IT function has                      investigated by the Chief Information                      the BU’s Data Governance and Privacy
         Awareness Training Capsule is made                      well-defined KRA/KPI, in line with Vedanta’s              Security Officer (CISO), and appropriate                   Officer (DGPO)/BU’s CISO and reviewed by
         available on a self-service basis. The                  Information Security Goals as part of their               actions are taken. Vedanta uses advanced                   the BU’s CIO. The severity and impact of
         Information Security function closely                   Annual Goals and Performance                              tools and technologies to continuously                     these incidents and observations are
         monitors and tracks the training status of              Management process and requirements.                      monitor IT assets and data movement,                       reported and discussed in various forums,
         users, conducting periodic follow-ups to                                                                          automatically generating incidents based                   including the BU’s Executive Committee
         promote completion. Virtual Classroom                   Performance evaluation of Information                     on predefined rules. These incidents are                   (EXCO), Vedanta Group's Executive
         sessions are also organised periodically,               Security is carried out based on the                      then tracked and resolved by the IT                        Committee (EXCO), the BU’s Audit & Risk
         allowing voluntarily participation and                  following aspects:                                        Operations Team with guidance from the                     Committee, and Vedanta’s Audit & Risk
         self-nomination for further training. To                •  People                                                 Information Security Organization.                         Committee. Compliance with agreed-upon
         assess the level of user awareness, BUs                 •  Process                                                                                                           observations is reported on a quarterly
         conduct Dip-Stick Assessments in the                                                                              During the reporting period, no incidents of               basis to ensure timely and effective
         form of periodic tests and quizzes. Based               •  Technology                                             leaks, thefts, or data loss were identified,               resolution.
         on the effectiveness of these                                                                                     resulting in no impact on clients,
         assessments, targeted trainings and                     Performance of the employee is measured                   customers, or employees.
         communications are conducted                            against these goals. Similarly, employees
         throughout the organisation. Phishing                   working on OT environment and managing
         simulations are carried out for all users to            such systems also have KPI aligned to
         evaluate their vigilance and awareness.                 Vedanta’s Information Security Goals in
                                                                 their Annual KRA/KPA Plan.

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