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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES            THE PLANET        THE WORKPLACE

         Three-tier approach to sensitization promotes                         Gender sensitisation programme helps to mainstream
         greater assimilation                                                  transgender hiring

         We have initiated a comprehensive sensitization                       To reinforce our commitment towards creating a                                              LGBTQ+ talent. Currently, we are proud to have
         campaign that focuses on various dimensions of                        discrimination-free and inclusive workplace and to promote                                  25 transgender employees who are an active
         Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)                                 supportive behaviour within our organization, we have launched                              part of the organization.
         encompassing gender, sexual orientation,                              ‘Samanvay’, a group-wide gender sensitization and awareness
         physical ability and regional/ethnic diversity. This                  drive that helps managers understand unconscious biases,
         campaign follows a structured three-tier                              address them and maximize inclusion within teams. The                                          Number of transgenders in workforce
         approach, focused on CXOs, managers, and                              programme aims at facilitating the seamless inclusion of LGBTQ+
         front-end supervisors. To ensure its                                  individuals into the mainstream at the workplace. Other enabling                               25              4
         effectiveness, we have collaborated with                              initiatives that we have undertaken include identifying specific
         external experts who specialize in facilitation of                    roles, providing sensitivity training, creating appropriate                                    FY 2023         FY 2022
         such assimilation. In the first phase, our goal is                    infrastructure and ensuring a smooth onboarding process for
         to reach over 2,000 managers and 300 CXOs,
         equipping them with the necessary knowledge
         and stimulating the appropriate sensibilities                         Parental leave distribution
         necessary for creating an inclusive and
         respectful workplace.
                                                                                     Total Number of Employees that    Number of employees who resumed                Total number of employees who are due    Return to Work Rate
                                                                                     were entitled to Parental leave   office post completion of paternal             to return to work in April 2022-March
                                                                                     during April 2022-March 2023     leave in April 2022-March 2023                 2023, after taking parental leave
                CXOs                                                                 Male                              Male                                           Male                                     Male

                                                                                     Female                            Female                                         Female                                   Female

                                                                                     Total Number of Employees         No of employees who were in continuous         Total number of employees                Retention rate
                                                                                     who took Parental leave during    service for next 12 months after returning    returning from parental leave in the
                                                                                     April 2022- March 2023
                                                                                                                                                                      prior reporting period
                                                                                                                       from Parental leave in April 2022- March 2023
                Frontline                                                            Male                              Male                                           Male                                     Male
                supervisors                                                          470                               432                                            472                                      90%

                                                                                     Female                            Female                                         Female                                   Female
                                                                                     89                                52                                             62                                       84%

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