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          Easing the transition to work for new mothers

 Workforce Breakdown: Gender  Motherhood places several demands on   safe hands and under proper
          the new mother, who very often has to                  supervision. This helps eligible
          balance multiple priorities. At Vedanta, we            employees enjoy peace of mind as they
          understand these needs and are                         are close at hand in case of need, while
          committed to making motherhood a                       they can simultaneously fulfil their
          smoother experience.                                   professional responsibilities. To ensure

          Our human resource practices are guided                that all our eligible employees get to
          by Vedanta's core value of Care and we                 utilize the convenience of the onsite child
          strive to create a supportive and inclusive            care centres, HZL provides a fixed sum
          workplace that accommodates the various                as child-care contribution for the
          stages of our employees' lives. We offer               day-care of the child.
          flexible working hours to support new
          parents, recognizing the time and space                Breast-feeding/lactation facilities
          they need to adjust to their new roles. As a           ESL and HZL provide onsite
          result of the supportive environment, of               breast-feeding/ lactation facilities in the
          women who had taken maternity leave                    child care centres where women can
          chose to continue in their roles even 12               freely breast feed their newborn in a
          months after rejoining work, reflecting the            private, comfortable and hygienic
          support they received in childcare and the             environment. At VZI, we provide lactation
          overall atmosphere of cooperation.                     room facilities to new mothers, as an
                                                                 enablement initiative, despite there being
          Our mentoring programme ‘Buddy’ system                 no regulatory requirement in South
 Diversity Indicator
          is a case in point. As a part of this,                 Africa. These lactation rooms can be
          experienced senior women colleagues who                used upto a period of 12 months for an
          have passed through similar life                       individual infant, with the mother required
          experiences, provide guidance and support              to bring her own equipment for availing of

 20%   23%  14%  to new mothers in making decisions related      these facilities. At these subsidiaries,
 FY 2030 Target  FY 2030 Target  FY 2030 Target  to their career and personal choices.  daily nursing breaks are also provided
 14%  21.30%  11.80%                                             within the timeframe of a working day to
 Gender diversity  Share of women in junior management   Share of women in management positions in   Several subsidiaries like ESL, VZI and HZL   accommodate the new mothers’
 (Fulltime employees)  positions, i.e., first level of management  revenue-generating functions (e.g. sales) as  have launched empathetic programmes for   breastfeeding needs.
 (as % of total junior management positions)  % of all such managers (i.e. excluding support
 functions such as HR, IT, Legal, etc.)  new mothers, empowering them to handle
          their responsibilities more easily. These              Paid parental leaves
          initiatives are diverse in nature, and include         Vedanta provides paid parental leaves for
 18%  12%  13%  provision of onsite day care facilities for
 FY 2030 Target  FY 2030 Target  FY 2030 Target  young children, breast feeding / lactation   both primary and secondary caregivers,
 18.30%  9.20%  15.70%  facilities, paid parental leaves, amongst   with 26 weeks of paid leave provided to
 Share of women in all  Share of women in top management  Share of women in STEM-related positions  female employees, 7 days to male
 management positions,   positions, i.e. maximum two levels  (as % of total STEM positions)  others.     employees. Additionally, keeping in mind
 including junior, middle  away from the CEO or comparable
 and top management  positions (as % of total top                the needs of those mothers who go in for
 (as % of total management  management positions)  Day care centres  adoption we also provide 12 weeks of
          ESL and HZL are providing day care                     adoption leave to female employees who
          centres onsite where new mothers can                   have adopted a child.
          leave their infants and young children in
 Performance in FY 2023

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