Page 11 - Environmental Report for EXL Services_Web Only
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Helping Clients
Our Presence Highlights World is Transition to There is Strategic Accomplishing Transitioning Climate Accelerating Water Use & Cultivating use Structured GRI GHG List of
Across and Progress Influencing Climate- aligned Always a through to Climate Positive Waste Culture of Assurance 11
the Globe on Goals Our Journey World Better Way Framework Actions Aligned Business Commitments Change Management Shared Value Environmental Data Index Statement Abbreviations
for Risk Aversion
In pursuit of aspiring goals of delivering Shifting Consumer Preferences at The earlier-identified environmental
efficient, swift and noteworthy results, the Realm of Resource Scarcity sustainability concerns can be directly
numerous technological innovations are being mapped to certain SDGs, and both will need
employed. Embedding operations with digital solutions to achieve targets and stop
analytics, implementing robotic process The global population is expanding rapidly further environmental damage.
automation (RPA) at scale, recognizing and and becoming increasingly prosperous. This
addressing the changing demands from is leading to significant demand for energy,
prosumers, along with top-of-the-line data water, and food, which is putting a strain on
management for advanced analysis could help the traditional, finite resources of the planet.
any aspiring company to reach its short and Also, we are seeing regulations getting Embedding operations with
long term goals. With capabilities like robotics stringent around environmental challenges. analytics, implementing
and AI centre of excellence, proprietary
operations analytics framework driven by our In order to meet the resource requirements robotic process
Management Information Assistant solution, of the future, industry will need to continue automation (RPA) at
cutting edge data science services coupled to innovate to become more productive with scale, recognizing and
with insight-generating business intelligence less resources and inputs. Technology will addressing the changing
and reporting mechanisms, anyone can save play a key role via the rising adoption of
their precious resources. smart devices, sensors, AI and Blockchain. demands from prosumers,
Precision variable rate technologies such as along with top-of-the-line
Companies can take various paths to achieve one that can detect deviations with sensors data management for
net zero goals but collecting, managing, and could slash resource usage. advanced analysis could
leveraging data will be a common link across
the options. The only way to achieve this In addition, progress on Sustainable help any aspiring company
ambitious goal is through collaborative action. Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030 paints to reach its short and long
No individual, corporation, or country can a dim picture with most countries missing term goals.
achieve it on their own. Collaborating and targets due to limited planning and unclear
sharing best practices will serve as the technology interventions.
foundation for the next century.