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Helping Clients
          Our Presence  Highlights  World is  Transition to  There is  Strategic  Accomplishing  Transitioning  Climate  Accelerating  Water Use &  Cultivating  use Structured  GRI  GHG  List of
            Across  and Progress  Influencing  Climate- aligned  Always a  through  to Climate  Positive  Waste  Culture of         Assurance                10
           the Globe  on Goals  Our Journey  World  Better Way  Framework  Actions  Aligned Business  Commitments  Change  Management  Shared Value  Environmental Data  Index  Statement  Abbreviations
                                                                                                                     for Risk Aversion

         Transition to Climate-aligned World

                                                                                           The average surface temperature        electricity and electric vehicles.
                                                                                           of the planet has been on an           By taking advantage of these
                                                                                           upward path since the late 19th        offerings, individual consumers
                                                                                           century and this trend looks set       can reduce their carbon
                                                                                           to continue.  The burning of fossil    footprint. Businesses can
                                                                                           fuels is the primary cause of          reduce their overall cost of fleet
                                                                                           global warming. Carbon dioxide         ownership, and organisations
                                                                                           and other gases are released and       can reduce fuel costs, reap tax
                                                                                           trapped within the atmosphere,         benefits and take advantage of
                                                                                           which in turn means heat can’t         government incentives. And
                                                                                           escape. Atmospheric carbon             while the idea of driverless cars
                                                                                           dioxide levels have rocketed since     still feels like science fiction,
                                                                                           the time of the industrial             Governments have come forth
                                                                                           revolution and show no sign            to set a target of having the
                                                                                           of abating.                            autonomous cars on the road,
                                                                                                                                  with companies such as
                                                                                           In support of the 2015 Paris           Daimler planning ‘full
                                                                                           Agreement, many companies are          production of autonomous
                                                                                           working towards achieving ‘Net         vehicles by the early 2020s’.
          With capabilities like robotics and AI centre of                                 Zero Targets by 2050. For              Sustainable Products which are
          excellence, proprietary operations analytics framework                           example, Utility and automobile        aligned to Climate change Goals

          driven by our Management Information Assistant                                   companies are working towards          have been launched by several
          solution, cutting edge data science services coupled with                        offering customers low-carbon          other companies.
          insight-generating business intelligence and reporting                           products such as renewable
          mechanisms, anyone can save their precious resources.
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