Page 5 - Environmental Report for EXL Services_Web Only
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Helping Clients
Our Presence Highlights World is Transition to There is Strategic Accomplishing Transitioning Climate Accelerating Water Use & Cultivating use Structured GRI GHG List of
Across and Progress Influencing Climate- aligned Always a through to Climate Positive Waste Culture of Assurance 5
the Globe on Goals Our Journey World Better Way Framework Actions Aligned Business Commitments Change Management Shared Value Environmental Data Index Statement Abbreviations
for Risk Aversion
Our Presence Across the Globe
EXL at a Glance
EXL is a global analytics and Headquartered in New York, our
digital solutions company that team is over 40,000+ strong,
partners with clients to improve with more than 50 offices
business outcomes and unlock spanning six continents.
growth. Bringing together deep
domain expertise with robust To create long-term value, we
data, powerful analytics, cloud, embed sustainability principles
and AI, we create agile, scalable in all areas of our business
solutions and execute complex strategy. With our diverse
operations for the world’s product portfolio, we have a
leading corporations in unique opportunity to contribute
industries including insurance, to solving some of the key
healthcare, banking and sustainable development
financial services, media, and challenges facing society.
retail, among others.
Bringing together deep domain expertise with robust data,
powerful analytics, cloud, and AI, we create agile, scalable
solutions and execute complex operations for the world’s
leading corporations in industries including insurance,
healthcare, banking and financial services, media, and
retail, among others.