Page 55 - Balmer Lawrie Sustainability Report 2022_Single Pages
P. 55
New Employee turnover as on 31st March 2022
New Hire Gender Joined Left
<30 34 5
4 2
30-50 14 30
0 0
>50 0 3
0 0
Balmer Lawrie has 101 of female employees at various Employee Welfare
level. Many women employees are at decision making
positions in the Company. The Company has an internal Balmer Lawrie gives importance to employee welfare and
committee for all four regions namely Eastern, Western, it has implemented various policies which promote
Northern and Southern Region in compliance to Sexual employee welfare. One such policy promoting the work
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, life balance is maternity leave policy. During the year, 5
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. In FY 2021-22, zero (Five) women employees availed parental leave. The
complaints were filed for sexual harassment. details are as follows:
Employees availing Parental Leave
Category Number of Employees
Employees entitled to parental (maternity) leave All women employees are
entitled to maternity leaves.
Employees that took parental (maternity) leave 5 (Five)
Employees who returned to work in the reporting period 5 (Five)
after parental (maternity) leave ended
Employees who returned to work after parental (maternity) 5 (Five)
leave ended that were still employed 12 months after their return to work