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 Our closure plans are carefully developed, considering the following aspects:

 •  A comprehensive understanding of the operating   Adequate financial resources are allocated to
 environment, encompassing socio-economic,   cover closure and rehabilitation activities,
 cultural, and environmental factors, as well as   ensuring the successful execution of the
 legal and regulatory requirements for closure.  closure plan, regardless of whether it occurs as
 planned or prematurely. We continuously update
 •  Evaluation of various closure options,   the closure plans and associated cost
 considering criteria such as environmental   estimates to adapt to evolving circumstances in
 impact, reputational risk, socio-economic   mine development, operational planning,
 factors, and community considerations, with a   environmental and social conditions,
 clear rationale for selecting the preferred option.  stakeholder expectations, and advancements in
 techniques and technologies. To enhance
 •  Assessment of the primary risks and   transparency and accountability, we provide
 opportunities associated with the chosen   regular reporting on the implementation of our
 closure option.
 closure plan and site rehabilitation. Progress
 against the closure plan is communicated
 •  Extensive consultation process involving internal
 and external stakeholders, recognizing the   openly and regularly to all internal stakeholders
 importance of community involvement in plan   and relevant external parties.
 development. This ensures that their
 expectations are understood, managed, and that   Furthermore, all subsidiary companies and
 they are informed about any residual impacts   operations under Vedanta Ltd. adhere to the
 resulting from decommissioning and   stipulations concerning decommissioning and
 post-closure activities.  site closure procedures. They ensure that the
 mechanisms employed for decommissioning
 •  Our commitment to mine closure including social   and site closure align with international
 closure initiates even before the commencement   standards, such as the IFC performance
 of mining operations and remains an ongoing   standards, IFC EHS Guidelines, ICMM principles,
 process throughout the entire life cycle of the   as well as impact assessment and consultation
 mine. Our closure plans are built upon the   processes where applicable.
 technical standard for site closure, which
 encompass prioritizing safety and stability,   Vedanta has successfully completed the
 fostering socio-economic transition, and   closure of a single site: Lisheen, in Ireland back
 contributing to risk mitigation efforts.  in 2015. There have been no recent mine
 closures for Vedanta.

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